Annual Report 2020

HOP FUNG GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED 合豐集團控股有限公司 56 DIRECTORS’ REPORT 董事會報告 購股權 (續) 附註: 授出購股權之歸屬期由董事於每次授出購股權時釐定。本公司購 股權計劃下購股權持有人僅可於以下行使期行使彼等之購股權: SHARE OPTIONS (Continued) Note: The vesting period of the share options granted is determined by Directors at each time when the options are granted. Holders of share options granted under the Company’s share option scheme may only exercise their options during the exercisable periods as follows: Granted under scheme 根據計劃授出 Option type G Maximum % of share options exercisable G 類購股權 可行使購股權之最高百分比 1.5.2019–30.4.2020 up to 50% 最高可達 50% 1.5.2020–30.4.2021 up to 75% (to the extent not already exercised) 最高可達 75% (以尚未行使者為限) 1.5.2021–30.4.2026 up to 100% (to the extent not already exercised) 最高可達 100% (以尚未行使者為限) As at 31st December, 2020, the total number of new shares which might be issued upon exercise of the options that had been granted and remained outstanding under the scheme was 21,620,000 new shares, representing approximately 2.64% of the shares of the Company in issue at that date. 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,根據計劃已授出且尚未行 使的購股權獲行使後可能發行新股份總數為 21,620,000 股,佔本公司於該日已發行股份約 2.64% 。