Annual Report 2020
ANNUAL REPORT 2020 年度報告 61 DIRECTORS’ REPORT 董事會報告 主要股東於股份、相關股份及債券之權益 (續) 附註: 1. 於 258,434,081 股股份總數中,簡健儀女士直接持有本公 司 19,754,000 股股份權益,以及由於彼為本公司之董事及 主要股東許森平先生之配偶,根據證券及期貨條例,簡健 儀女士被視為擁有本公司 238,680,081 股股份之權益。 2. Goldspeed 之全部已發行股本由 HSBC 透過其 100% 受控 法團 Goldkeen 以 HSP 2004 Family Trust 之受託人身份間 接持有。 HSP 2004 Family Trust 乃一項全權信託,其創 立人為許森平先生;而全權信託對象包括許森平先生及 許森平先生之家族成員。因此,根據證券及期貨條例, Goldspeed 、 Goldkeen 、 HSBC 及許森平先生各自被視為 擁有該 107,755,400 股股份之權益。 3. 於 159,650,430 股股份總數中,梁佩雯女士直接持有本公 司 5,110,000 股股份權益,以及由於彼為本公司之董事及 主要股東許森泰先生之配偶,根據證券及期貨條例,梁佩 雯女士被視為擁有本公司 154,540,430 股股份之權益。 4. 於 171,227,882 股股份中,黃梅女士直接持有本公司 750,000 股股份權益,以及由於彼為本公司之主要股東許 森國先生之配偶,根據證券及期貨條例,黃梅女士被視為 擁有本公司 170,477,882 股股份之權益。 除上文披露者外,於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本公司 並無獲悉任何其他人士於本公司已發行股本中擁有相關權 益或淡倉。 購買、出售或贖回本公司上市股份 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,本公司或其任何 附屬公司並無購買、出售或贖回本公司任何上市證券。 購買股份或債券之安排 除上文「購股權」一節披露者外,本公司、其任何控股公 司、同系附屬公司或附屬公司並無於年內任何時間參與訂 立任何安排,致使董事可透過收購本公司或任何其他法人 團體之股份或債券而獲益。此外,除上文披露者外,董事 及彼等各自之聯繫人士亦無獲授或於年內行使任何可認購 本公司證券之權利。 SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS IN SHARES, UNDERLYING SHARES AND DEBENTURES (Continued) Notes: 1. Of 258,434,081 total shares, Ms. Jian Jian Yi is directly interested in 19,754,000 shares and is deemed to be interested in 238,680,081 shares of the Company under the SFO as she is the spouse of Mr. Hui Sum Ping, a Director and a substantial shareholder of the Company. 2. The entire issued share capital of Goldspeed is indirectly held by HSBC through its 100% controlled corporation, Goldkeen in its capacity as the trustee of HSP 2004 Family Trust, a discretionary trust the founder of which is Mr. Hui Sum Ping and the discretionary objects of which include Mr. Hui Sum Ping and the family members of Mr. Hui Sum Ping. Accordingly, each of Goldspeed, Goldkeen, HSBC and Mr. Hui Sum Ping is deemed to be interested in the 107,755,400 shares under the SFO. 3. Of 159,650,430 total shares, Ms. Leung Pui Man is directly interested in 5,110,000 shares and is deemed to be interested in 154,540,430 shares of the Company under the SFO as she is the spouse of Mr. Hui Sum Tai, a Director and a substantial shareholder of the Company. 4. Of 171,227,882 shares, Ms. Wong Mui is directly interested in 750,000 shares and is deemed to be interested in 170,477,882 shares of the Company under the SFO as she is the spouse of Mr. Hui Sum Kwok, a substantial shareholder of the Company. Other than as disclosed above, the Company had not been notified of any other relevant interests or short positions in the issued share capital of the Company as at 31st December, 2020. PURCHASE, SALE OR REDEMPTION OF THE COMPANY’S LISTED SHARES There was no purchase, sale or redemption of the Company’s listed securities by the Company or any of its subsidiaries during the year ended 31st December, 2020. ARRANGEMENTS TO PURCHASE SHARES OR DEBENTURES Save as disclosed under the heading “Share Options” above, at no time during the year was the Company, any of its holding companies, fellow subsidiaries or subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the Directors to acquire benefits by means of the acquisition of shares in, or debentures of, the Company or any other body corporate. In addition, save as disclosed above, none of the Directors, and any of their respective associates were granted any right to subscribe for the securities of the Company or had exercised any such right during the year.