Management Team
Executive Directors
Mr. Lee Sou Leung, Joseph
Mr. Chan Ching Huen, Stanley
Mr. Poon Yiu Ming
Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr. ZAVATTI Samuel Mario
Mr. Wong Tat Cheong, Frederick
Mr. KRACHT Jurgen Ernst Max
Senior Management
Mr. Sa Wai Keung
Mr. Chan Lai Ming, Tony
Mr. Dirk Grassinger
Mr. Leung Kwok Keung
Executive Directors
Mr. Lee Sou Leung, Joseph, the Founder and the Chief Executive Officer of the Group, and the Chairman of the Board, is responsible for the strategic planning, business development and overall management of the Group. Mr. Lee has over 50 years of experience in the distribution of machines tools, advanced equipment and industrial products. Mr. Lee graduated from Wah Yan College, Hong Kong and Hong Kong Technical College (Certificate in Production Engineering), which was subsequently renamed as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. |
Mr. Chan Ching Huen, Stanley, the Managing Director of the Trading Division, the Chief Investment Officer and Company Secretary of the Group, is responsible for the business development and strategic investment of the Group. Mr. Chan was the Chief Financial Officer before he took up the position of Managing Director of the Trading Division in November 2022. Mr. Chan has over 22 years of experience in the distribution business of manufacturing equipment and tools. Prior to joining the Group in October 2000. Mr. Chan held various managerial positions in the finance departments of several US based multinational corporations in Hong Kong. Mr. Chan is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of the United Kingdom and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and an associate member of the Chartered Governance Institute in the United Kingdom. Mr. Chan graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic (which was subsequently renamed as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University) with a Higher Diploma in Accountancy, and he also holds a Master degree in Business Administration from Brunel University in the United Kingdom. |
Mr. Poon Yiu Ming, is the Chief Financial Officer of the Group, responsible for managing finance, IT, internal audit and human resources functions of the whole group. He joined the Group in November 2022. Mr. Poon has over 20 years of corporate finance, commercial and strategic development experience through his chief financial officer and management positions held in leading conglomerates and multinational listed companies across retail, trading, manufacturing, banking and the technology sectors. Mr. Poon is a member of CPA Australia. He holds a Bachelor degree in Environmental Science from the University of Hong Kong and a Master degree in Business Administration from Monash University in Australia. |
Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr. ZAVATTI Samuel Mario, is the Founder of Sadella Advisory Services Limited. He has over thirty years of global experience in major financial institutions, providing managerial as well as executive advisory to management boards. Utilizing his financial expertise, he had also provided advisory to senior executives in major multinational corporations throughout his career. Mr. Zavatti was the Vice Chairman of Global Financial Institutions in The Royal Bank of Scotland and ABN AMRO from 2005-2009. Prior to the Vice Chairman role, Mr. Zavatti was the Global Head of Financial Institutions and Public Sector for ABN AMRO and also was a member of the Executive Committee of the Wholesale Banking Division. Before joining ABN AMRO in 2001, he has had an extensive international career with Bank of America, working in senior positions globally including Athens, London, Cairo, Sydney and Hong Kong. He held his last position for Bank of America in Hong Kong as the Managing Director and Head of Asia Pacific Financial Institutions, which he set up in 1994. Mr. Zavatti graduated from the University of Colorado in 1969. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Economics.
Mr. Wong Tat Cheong, Frederick, is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Accountancy (with Honours) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a Master of Public Administration (with Distinction) from the University of Hong Kong. Mr Wong had extensive accounting and auditing experience in Hong Kong, Mainland China and United Kingdom. Mr Wong was a former directorate civil servant of the HKSAR Government. He is currently a practicing Certified Public Accountant in Hong Kong.
Mr. KRACHT Jurgen Ernst Max, is a management consultant with over 50 years of experience in China trade and investment. He is a co-founder of Fiducia Limited, which operates as Fiducia Management Consultants and specialises in China-focused consulting and outsourcing services. Since July 1982, he had served Fiducia Management Consultants as a managing director until July 2012 and as the chairman until his retirement in July 2022. From 1970 to 1980, Mr. Kracht worked for Jebsen & Company Limited, which is a conglomerate with a focus on China trade, initially as a manager in the Chemicals Division in the first four years. In 1974, Mr. Kracht was promoted to special assignments manager, whose job duties ranged from setting up and running an internal audit department to managing property projects in Hong Kong. From 1980 to 1982, Mr. Kracht served as the chief financial officer for Continental Engineering Products Limited and as an executive director of its group companies in Hong Kong and Germany. Continental Engineering Products Limited was a Hong Kong-based company which specialised in designing, manufacturing and exporting hard goods, especially hand tools to European markets.
Senior Management
Mr. Sa Wai Keung, Director & General Manager of Leeport Metalforming Machinery Limited. Mr. Sa has many years of experience in sales and marketing in respect of the sheet-metal machinery trading industry. He holds a Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic (now known as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University). Mr. Sa joined the Group in 1988. |
Mr. Chan Lai Ming, Tony, General Manager of Leeport Technology Limited. He has extensive experience in marketing CAD/CAM software, industrial machinery and services to various manufacturing sectors. Mr. Chan is an associate member of the Hong Kong Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing Society. Mr. Chan holds a Diploma and a Higher Certificate of Production and Industrial Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic (now known as the Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and a Master's Degree in Commerce from the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom. Mr. Chan joined the Group in July 1979. |
Mr. Dirk Grassinger, since 2018 he has been the Managing Director of Grassinger Technologies GmbH in Germany, a member of the Leeport Group. He has 25 years' experience in the machine tool and automation industry. After finishing his education in Industrial Metal Engineering, Machine Tool Manufacturing and CNC Coding, Mr. Grassinger worked for about 10 years in Mainland China at MAG (now renamed as the FFG Group). In his role as Head of On Site & Installation and Service Management, MAG IAS GmbH, he was responsible for international commissioning and installation teams for Chinese automotive manufacturers in Beijing, Chongqing and Harbin. Thereafter, he joined DMG MORI Systems as Head of Operations and was appointed Head of Global Service Milling/Head of Global Projects of the DMG MORI Group. |
Mr. Leung Kwok Keung, Logan, is the Financial Controller of the Group, responsible for managing the group's financial functions. He joined the Group in September 2007. Mr. Leung has many years of financial and accounting management experience in Hong Kong and in mainland China. He is an Associate Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of the United Kingdom. He graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies with a Bachelor of Economics degree in Accounting. |
updated 1st July, 2023
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