Annual Report 2019
101 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2019 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss Consolidated statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December 2019 Note 2019 2018 HK$’000 HK$’000 Revenue 9 3,061,704 3,199,078 Cost of inventories (134,043) (160,729) Staff costs 3(a) (473,269) (511,698) Utilities, repairs and maintenance and rent (133,716) (202,857) Tour and ticketing costs (1,156,752) (1,093,342) Gross profit 1,163,924 1,230,452 Other revenue 161,928 136,533 Operating and other expenses (214,927) (249,755) Depreciation 10(a) (132,601) (99,142) 978,324 1,018,088 Finance costs 3(b) (3,944) (1,108) Share of profits less losses of associates 12 129 4,197 974,509 1,021,177 Other non-operating net gain 3(c) 2,423 13,481 Net increase in fair value of investment properties 10(a) 503,945 783,475 Profit before taxation 3 1,480,877 1,818,133 Taxation Current 4(a) (138,097) (150,919) Deferred 4(a) (5,948) (7,703) Profit for the year 1,336,832 1,659,511 Attributable to: Shareholders of the Company 1,288,227 1,624,151 Non-controlling interests 48,605 35,360 1,336,832 1,659,511 Earnings per share Basic 8(a) HK$1.86 HK$2.36 Diluted 8(b) HK$1.86 HK$2.36 The notes on pages 110 to 176 form part of these financial statements. Details of dividends payable to shareholders of the Company attributable to the profit for the year are set out in note 7(a).