Annual Report 2019
074 Annual Report 2019 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Report of the Directors Major Customers and Suppliers Due to the diversity and nature of the Group’s activities, the aggregate percentage of the Group’s sales and purchases attributable to the Group’s five largest customers and suppliers respectively was less than 30%. At 31 December 2019, none of the directors, their close associates or shareholders who, to the knowledge of the directors, own more than 5% of the Company’s number of issued shares, had an interest in any of the five largest customers and suppliers. The Directors do not consider any one employee, customer, supplier and others to be influential to the Group. Directors The directors who held office during the year ended 31 December 2019 and up to the date of this report were: Executive Directors Mr LEE Ka Shing Mr Richard TANG Yat Sun Dr Colin LAM Ko Yin Mr Eddie LAU Yum Chuen Mr Norman HO Hau Chong Non-Executive Directors Dr LEE Shau Kee (retired on 4 June 2019) Dr Patrick FUNG Yuk Bun Mr Dominic CHENG Ka On Mr Alexander AU Siu Kee Independent Non-Executive Directors Dr David SIN Wai Kin Mr WU King Cheong Dr Timpson CHUNG Shui Ming Mr Howard YEUNG Ping Leung Mr Thomas LIANG Cheung Biu In accordance with Articles 77, 78 and 79 of the Company’s Articles of Association, Mr Lee Ka Shing, Mr Richard Tang Yat Sun, Mr Thomas Liang Cheung Biu, Mr Wu King Cheong and Mr Alexander Au Siu Kee shall retire by rotation at the forthcoming 2020 Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, have offered themselves for re-election. The Nomination Committee has also recommended to the Board that they are eligible for re-election. Directors of Subsidiaries A list of names of all the directors who have served on the boards of the Company’s subsidiaries during the year ended 31 December 2019 and up to the date of this report is available on the Company’s website at .