Annual Report 2020

134 Notes to the Financial Statements Annual Report 2020 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited 3 Profit before taxation (Continued) 2020 2019 HK$’000 HK$’000 (b) Finance costs Interest on bank loan 23 28 Interest on amounts due to holders of non-controlling interests of a subsidiary 322 733 Interest on lease liabilities 2,975 3,170 Other borrowing costs – 13 3,320 3,944 (c) Other non-operating net gain Net realised and unrealised gains on financial assets measured at FVPL (1,055) (2,423) (d) Operating and other expenses Advertising and promotion expenses 22,490 40,470 Commission and agency fee 13,679 37,485 Cleaning expenses 23,292 23,948 Credit card commission fee 5,842 21,328 Impairment loss on other property, plant and equipment (note 10(f)) 34,237 – Legal and professional fee 17,205 19,871 Others 49,091 71,825 165,836 214,927 (e) Others Auditors’ remuneration 3,297 3,283 Net foreign exchange loss 2,657 3,648 Net loss on disposal of other property, plant and equipment 909 315 Rentals receivable from investment properties less direct outgoings of HK$39,836,000 (2019: HK$41,358,000) (688,257) (770,544) Other rentals receivable less direct outgoings of HK$6,785,000 (2019: HK$7,515,000) (84,518) (93,901) Dividend income from listed securities (3,632) (3,523) Bank interest income (76,192) (119,125) Loss allowance for trade receivables 785 1,227 Reversal of provision for properties held for resale (420) (309) Government subsidies (Note) (83,510) – Depreciation charge of other properties leased for own use (note 10(a)) 50,257 57,988 Note: Being the subsidies received from the COVID-19 Anti-epidemic Fund under the Employment Support Scheme and other subsidy schemes as promulgated by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and which are included in “other revenue” during the year.