Annual Report 2020

Our Governance The Board of Directors (the “Board”) has overall responsibility for the Group’s Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) strategy and reporting, including determining and evaluating ESG-related risks, and ensuring that appropriate and effective ESG risk management and internal control systems are in place. As described below, assessment of ESG-related risks, such as compliance, health and safety, human resources and environment, have been embedded into our risk management processes which include risk identification, risk assessment, risk treatment, monitoring and review processes. The result of the overall ESG performance and ESG-related risk assessment would be at least annually reported to the Board for review to ensure that the Group’s ESG strategy and goals are achieved. For details of the risk management system, please refer to the Section of “Risk Management and Internal Control” in pages 62 to 71. 1 Based on the Group’s annual revenue in 2020 2 Materiality of ESG topics were identified based on the materiality assessment which engaged key stakeholders and was determined by the Board. For details, refer to page 31 3 A range of quantitative measurements were designed as indicators for evaluation and comparison on performance. Relevant information on the standards, methodologies, assumptions and source of conversion factors used for reporting of emissions/energy consumption has been disclosed 4 Methodologies adopted for preparation of this report are consistent with last year, unless otherwise clearly stated Reporting Scope & Principles The scope of this Environmental, Social and Governance Report covers every material areas of our business operations, which we have reviewed and assessed with due consideration of our stakeholders including tenants, customers, guests, staff, contractors and suppliers, and the media, through materiality and self- assessment exercises. This Report mainly focuses on our Group’s Hong Kong business operations which represent 96% 1 of the Group’s business portfolio, and provides an overview of our Group’s efforts made on the environment, our employees, supply chain, products, health and safety, community, anti-corruption and corporate governance during the year ended 31 December 2020. This report is prepared in accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide set out in Appendix 27 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”). The reporting principles of Materiality 2 , Quantitative 3 , Balance and Consistency 4 set a guide to underpin the development of this report, which aims to provide a balanced and meaningful presentation on our ESG performance to the stakeholders. 030 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2020 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited