Annual Report 2020

and provide continuous-learning environment and opportunities to our employees at all levels to help them grow and excel in productivity. There was no non-compliance case noted in relation to laws and regulations regarding employment, employee’s compensation, occupational safety and health, minimum wage and anti-discrimination that had a significant impact on the Group for the year ended 31 December 2020. (I) Employment, Remuneration and Benefits We reward our employees with competitive remuneration packages, which include competitive compensation and benefits, such as medical and life insurance, dental benefit, marriage, maternity and paternity leaves, free meal, free sports and recreational facilities. The Group reviews its Remuneration and Benefits Programs on a regular basis to ensure the programs are in compliance with the latest laws, in line with market practice and in keeping with market conditions and levels of remuneration. We have established strict compliance controls over the requirements under the labour law including prevention of use of child and forced labour and extended such expectations to our supply chain. As such, we checked the identity of every applicant in the recruitment process, performed job reference checking, and clearly delineated staff remuneration and benefits to the applicant before entering into employment contract. A set of policies and procedures on human resources matters has been well developed and without ambiguity. Our internal audit regularly reviews the established controls for further improvement, and rectification action will be taken immediately if any deficiency is identified. The Group is honored to be the recipient of the “10 Years Plus Caring Company” award from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and “Certificate of the Good Employer Charter” from Labour Department. (II) Anti-discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Diversity The Group is staffed by a diverse group of employees, who provide us with a valuable mix of perspectives, skills, experience and knowledge for addressing contemporary business issues. Our approach to the selection of candidates is consistent with the Board Diversity Policy which takes into account a range of diversity perspectives. These include but are not limited to gender, age, cultural and educational background, professional experience, skills, knowledge and length of service. The Group ensures equal opportunity and non-discrimination in recruitment, promotion and all other aspects of our employment practices. In protecting our employees from unfair or discriminative treatment, sexual harassment or any other sort of abuse, we have established policies and procedures and whistleblowing channels for employees to direct any grievances, which will be appropriately handled in a timely manner. Overall Corporate Property Rental Hotels & Serviced Apartments Food & Beverage Travel Staff Number 1,218 146 104 472 233 263 By Gender Male 690 61 78 266 141 144 Female 528 85 26 206 92 119 By Age Group Below 30 177 22 7 80 21 47 30 to 50 634 85 61 230 94 164 Over 50 407 39 36 162 118 52 By Employment Type Full Time 1,213 146 104 472 229 262 Part Time 5 0 0 0 4 1 By Employee Category Senior Managerial/Executives 52 19 4 6 2 21 Middle Management 161 42 14 55 24 26 Supervisory & General 1,005 85 86 411 207 216 Hong Kong Employee Statistics as of 31 December 2020 A. Number of Employees by Gender, Age Group, Employment Type and Employee Category 039 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2020