Annual Report 2020

Overall By Gender By Age Group Male Female Below 30 30-50 Over 50 Senior Managerial/Executives 52 27 25 0 19 33 Middle Management 161 92 69 1 111 49 Supervisory & General 1,005 571 434 176 504 325 Total Number of Employees 1,218 690 528 177 634 407 Turnover Rate 15.4% 12.5% 18.9% 31.9% 12.6% 10.6% B. Number of Employees & Turnover Rate by Gender and Age Group per Employee Category (III) Occupational Health and Safety We place the health and safety of our employees at the topmost priority of concern. A Hygiene & Health Safety Team has been formed to promote training to staff on hygiene and occupational safety awareness. All relevant staff is encouraged to take Occupational Health and Safety and First Aid courses. As of December 2020, there are 27 staff members with valid First Aid Certificate working in different outlets. First-aid arrangements at different workplaces are well established in accordance to legal requirements and are regularly inspected by our Hygiene & Safety Team. Standard Operating Procedures for prevention and handling of work injury have been established and communicated to staff as well. In response to the outbreaks of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, a series of preventive measures were established at different business operations to protect our employees and stakeholders. These measures include summarizing government health recommendations for staff to increase their hygiene awareness, providing adequate personal protection equipment for frontline staff, increasing the frequency of workplace cleaning services, and arranging A/B alternate team home office, staff who lives in buildings with confirmed cases would be arranged to work from home for a certain period, encouraging and coordinating staff to participate in applicable voluntary COVID-19 testing schemes for designated industries and developing procedures for suspicious case reporting and emergency responses. During the reporting year, 38 work injury cases accounting for 1,836 lost work-days were reported. There were no serious or fatal work injuries in the past 3 years. We strive to provide a safe and secure workplace for our employees so as to maintain a low incident rate at work through improving our work process, facilities, equipment and systems. For example in our F&B outlets and Hotel premises, we have provided or sponsored our staff with appropriate personal protective equipment such as cut-resistant gloves and slip-resistant shoes, and also paved kitchen floors with anti- slip strips, so as to prevent one of the most common accidents in F&B industry. Internal communication channel was also established for reporting safety non-conformity and sharing safety-related news. In addition, investigation and rectification would be conducted immediately after any incident of injury at workplace in an effort to avoid recurrence. This year, The Mira Hong Kong has been honored with the “Hotels with Kitchen Category – Safety Awareness Award” from the Catering Industry Safety Scheme Award after receiving “Group Safety Performance Category - Silver Award” from the same scheme last year for recognition of our continual effort at building a safe and healthy working environment. (IV) Staff Training and Development The Group offers comprehensive learning and development roadmaps for employees to advance their career achievements within the Group. These include provision of in-house and external training programmes in various aspects, such as professional and technical skills, industry knowledge, customer services, green practices, new laws and regulations, etc. We also offer sponsorship to encourage staff to pursue continuing education. This year, in consideration of the COVID-19 epidemic, a series of hygiene trainings has been provided to our staff based on their job nature, aimed at raising their awareness on personal hygiene and reinforcing the enhanced hygiene measures in business operations. To reduce transmission risks, instead of face-to-face trainings, alternative training approaches have been adopted whenever practicable, such as provision of self-learning packs, training videos, online tests, etc. 040 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2020 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited