Annual Report 2020

B. Total Attendance and Total Training Hours per Training Topics Overall By Gender By Employee Category Male Female Supervisory & General Middle Management Senior Managerial/ Executives Ratio of Staff Trained (As of 31/12/2020) 77% 78% 77% 78% 83% 56% Total Attendance (pax) 12,464 3,439 9,025 11,540 861 63 Average Training Hours (hr) 5.94 4.18 8.25 6.47 4.35 0.77 Hong Kong Staff Training Statistics in 2020 A. Ratio of Staff Trained,Total Attendance and Average Training Hours by Gender and Employee Category In recognition of our Group’s outstanding achievements in fostering an organizational culture conducive to manpower training, development and life-long learning, the Employees Retraining Board has awarded us the honour of “Manpower Developer” since 2011 and “Grand Prize Award 2018-20” in the “Manpower Developer Award Scheme”. (V) Work-life Balance We encourage and support our staff to develop personal hobbies and interests outside of work to achieve work-life balance. The Group provides staff with free sports and recreational facilities such as snooker and cycling machine in leisure rooms and pantry, and also free booking of sport venues for maintaining healthy lifestyle in and outside office. In recent years, the Group organized several interactive DIY workshops to provide opportunities for our staff to put aside their work and have fun with their colleagues to create their own products such as eco-enzyme cleaners, natural lip balm, plant in a jar and CNY ornaments. We understand that work-life balance is important to every employee, especially for employees with family responsibilities. In addition to the statutory requirements for maternity leave and paternity leave, the Group also provides employees with marriage and compassionate day-offs. In addition, a nursing room is available in the workplace to support breastfeeding for working mothers. The Group has been honored as “Family-Friendly Employers 2017/18” and granted “Awards for Breastfeeding Support 2017/18” by the Family Council in recognition of our effort at building a family-friendly working environment. 041 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2020