Annual Report 2020

The Group places importance on green purchases and emphasizes local procurement wherever possible to support local businesses and reduce carbon emissions associated with transport and shipping. In 2020, local purchase accounted for over 98% of our total purchasing amount; geographical distribution of the active suppliers is described below. Region Hong Kong United States Mainland & Macau Singapore Others Total No. of Active Suppliers (%) 1,296 (97.4%) 15 (1.1%) 5 (0.4%) 3 (0.2%) 12 (0.9%) 1,331 (100%) 12 12 All vendors must have gone through our procurement process which centrally handled by Group Procurement Department (VI) Employee Relations We care about employees and aim to build a positive and caring atmosphere in the workplace. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to reduce our regular employee activities, such as monthly team gathering for birthday celebrations, team building activities and annual Christmas party, etc. To share joy with our staff in the festive seasons, we have organized a Christmas surprise lucky draw and distributed out mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival. As an expression of heartfelt gratitude to all staff for their contribution in this challenging year, a year-end special allowance has been handed out to every staff. We value opinions from our staff and have established various communication channels to encourage open communication at all levels. For instance, we have established a CEO channel for staff to directly express their opinions to the Chairman and CEO. In addition, the management has regularly reached out to frontline staff to have a better understanding of their working environment so as to provide appropriate support. Our supply chain management is effective at helping maintain high-standard compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Supported by our risk management system, environmental and social risks along the supply chain, such as risks related to indirect emissions associated with shipping, food safety, data privacy and corruption, were comprehensively identified, regularly assessed, properly managed and monitored throughout the process. Our social, environmental and occupational health and safety standards are clearly stipulated in our vendor registration and tendering processes in which only qualified vendors are invited in every procurement exercise. These processes are independently reviewed and monitored to ensure that procurement activities are conducted in accordance with the Group’s requirements. Besides, terms in every contract are stipulated with compliance requirements with relevant local legislation, such asminimumwage ordinance, environmental-related ordinances, competition lawand labour law. Should any contractor or supplier be found in any serious non-compliance, they will be removed from the registered vendor list. Our Supply Chain 18. Ethical and Responsible Procurement Practice 19. Respect and Protect Intellectual Property Rights 21. Product Safety and Service Quality 22. Customer Satisfaction 23. Responsible Marketing 24. Anti-corruption 25. Data Protection and Privacy Top Material Topics 042 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2020 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited