Annual Report 2020

(III) Promoting Harmonious Community The Group cares for vulnerable and minority groups and recognizes that understanding and fulfilling their needs means a great help for them. We maintain long-term relationship with various charity bodies and support their efforts by donation, sponsorship, providing venue for free or at discounted rates and partnering with various community groups to organize activities to help people in need. Expressing our Care Although the number of volunteer activities has been reduced due to the need for social distancing during the year, we continued to explore new and innovative ways to express our care and promote social harmony. Mira Place joined the “Jockey Club Smart City Walk Project” launched by Hong Kong Blind Union to improve the life quality of people with visual impairment through the use of technology. After installation of the mobile application (“App”) designed in the project, people with visual impairment and the elderly could independently shop around in our malls via graphics, audio and text navigation instructions provided by the App. Supporting & Participation in Charity and Community Activities This year, our staff continued to participate in ORBIS World Sight Day and Community Chest Dress Casual Day. Moreover, Mira Place sponsored the venue for the runner pack pick-up of “Hong Kong Streetathon 2020” organized by RunOurCity, as to support nurturing a fun and compassionate running culture in Hong Kong, which had also raised fund for over 30 charities. (IV) Care of Environment We value the importance of environmental protection and strive to minimize undesirable impact on the environment for the community’s well-being. We are constantly involved in various activities organized by different environmental protection organizations. Take Actions Since 2013, our hotels have been collaborating with Food Angel and Foodlink Foundation to donate leftover food to people in need. In 2020, we have donated over 617kg of leftover food to Food Angel and Foodlink Foundation. Mira Dining has supported the mooncake collection campaign hosted by FOOD-CO since 2017 to echo the culture of “Save & Share”; a total of 1,274 pieces of mooncakes was donated to Greeners Action and Mutual Caring Association lined up by FOOD-CO. Take the Leadership We have continuously engaged in various campaigns organized by different environmental protection organizations such as Earth Hour of WWF, Hong Kong No Air-Con Night of Green Sense, Green Power Hike of Green Power, and Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance of Hong Kong Green Building Council to promote environmental conservation. In addition, the Group has continued to organize events to share practical tips to our staff on sustainable living style. We held an eco-enzyme cleaners workshop to share the concept of upcycling by using fruit skins to make our own green and harmless detergent. Also, we organized “Mira Collection Point” to collect reusable items from our team members and look for new owners to give the items a second life. 047 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2020