Annual Report 2021

147 Notes to the Financial Statements Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2021 9 Revenue and segment reporting (Continued) (b) Geographical information (continued) Revenue from external customers Non-current assets 2021 2020 2021 2020 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 1,178,953 1,255,930 14,639,795 14,755,967 The PRC 68,072 58,675 745,643 726,286 The United Kingdom – – 36,548 57,051 1,247,025 1,314,605 15,421,986 15,539,304 10 Investment properties, other property, plant and equipment (a) Reconciliation of carrying amount Other property, plant and equipment Investment properties Hotel Land and buildings^ Other properties leased for own use carried at cost Others* Sub-total Total HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 Cost or valuation: At 1 January 2021 15,293,694 140,221 63,895 191,290 1,506,313 1,901,719 17,195,413 Additions 9,789 – 30 47,643 15,995 63,668 73,457 Disposals – – (332) (3,992) (29,589) (33,913) (33,913) Exchange adjustments 19,273 – 15 – 756 771 20,044 Deficit on revaluation (112,143) – – – – – (112,143) Reclassification 9,036 – – – (9,036) (9,036) – At 31 December 2021 15,219,649 140,221 63,608 234,941 1,484,439 1,923,209 17,142,858 Representing: Cost – 140,221 63,608 234,941 1,484,439 1,923,209 1,923,209 Valuation–2021 15,219,649 – – – – – 15,219,649 15,219,649 140,221 63,608 234,941 1,484,439 1,923,209 17,142,858 Accumulated depreciation: At 1 January 2021 – 105,150 5,460 127,356 1,418,926 1,656,892 1,656,892 Charge for the year – 1,917 65 36,044 28,485 66,511 66,511 Impairment loss – – 20,519 11,084 – 31,603 31,603 Written back on disposals – – (162) (3,992) (29,554) (33,708) (33,708) Exchange adjustments – – – – 468 468 468 At 31 December 2021 – 107,067 25,882 170,492 1,418,325 1,721,766 1,721,766 Carrying amount: At 31 December 2021 15,219,649 33,154 37,726 64,449 66,114 201,443 15,421,092 * Others mainly comprise machinery, furniture, fixtures and equipment. ^ Land and buildings comprise leasehold land, freehold land and buildings held for own use.