Annual Report 2021

155 Notes to the Financial Statements Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2021 13 Other financial assets 2021 2020 HK$’000 HK$’000 Non-current Equity securities designated at FVOCI (note) Listed equity securities in Hong Kong 39,840 70,064 Listed equity securities outside Hong Kong – 8,897 39,840 78,961 Financial assets measured at FVPL Listed securities outside Hong Kong – 1,406 Sub-total 39,840 80,367 Current Financial assets measured at FVPL Listed equity securities in Hong Kong 955 6,104 Unlisted investment fund 61,444 55,429 Sub-total 62,399 61,533 Total 102,239 141,900 Market value of listed equity securities 40,795 86,471 Note: The Group designated the following equity securities at FVOCI at 1 January 2018 or acquisition date as they are held for strategic purposes and the fair value of each investment at 31 December 2021 is as follows: 2021 2020 HK$’000 HK$’000 Equity securities classified as financial assets designated at FVOCI China Construction Bank Corporation 16,200 17,670 China Everbright International Limited 11,581 8,103 Bank of China Limited 5,620 5,300 Alibaba Group Holding Limited 3,567 – Fosun International Limited 1,682 2,436 SH Electric 1,190 – HKT Trust and HKT Limited – 12,072 Tencent Holdings – 11,280 SHS China Resources Power Holding Ltd – 8,350 Facebook – 5,930 China Literature – 3,042 Visa – 2,968 Zhongan online – 1,810 At 31 December 39,840 78,961 Dividends received from these investments during the year of HK$3,482,000 (2020: HK$3,324,000) were recognised in profit or loss. During the year, the Group disposed several equity investments at a total consideration of HK$64,110,000 for strategic purpose (2020: HK$17,365,000) and the gain previously accumulated in the investment revaluation reserve (non-recycling) in other comprehensive income of HK$20,033,000 (2020: HK$12,954,000) is transferred to retained profits.