Annual Report 2021

RELEVANCE TO BUSINESS IMPORTANCE TO STAKEHOLDERS Material Topics Top Material Topics Material Topics Non - Material Topics 20 18 23 19 22 21 24 25 27 26 13 11 01 05 02 04 08 06 03 09 07 10 12 16 15 14 17 1. Minimizing and Recycling of Waste in Daily Operations 2. Minimizing and Recycling of Food Waste 3. Minimizing Usage of Packaging Material for Finished Goods 4. Energy Efficiency 5. Efficient Use of Water 6. Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions 7. Minimizing Emissions of Other Air Pollutants 8. Proper Handling of Hazardous Waste 9. Green Buildings and Facilities Investment 10. Combating Climate Change Our Environment 26. Community Engagement and Investment 27. Knowledge Sharing Our Community 11. Staff Remuneration and Benefits 12. Work-life Balance 13. Occupational Health and Safety 14. Training and Development 15. Employee Relations 16. Anti-discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Diversity in Employment 17. Child and Forced Labour Our People 18. Ethical and Responsible Procurement Practice 19. Respect and Protect Intellectual Property Rights 20. Promote Environmental Friendly Practices/Social Responsibilities to Business Partners 21. Product Safety and Service Quality 22. Customer Satisfaction 23. Responsible Marketing 24. Anti-corruption 25. Data Protection and Privacy Our Supply Chain Materiality Matrix 030 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2021 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited