Annual Report 2021

The Group values the importance of environmental protection and has conducted self-assessment on all business operations which may have an impact on the environment. The self-assessment includes materiality and quantity of our greenhouse gas emissions, discharge of water, generation of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, usage of packaging material and issues identified as related to climate change, etc. The self-assessment showed that the Group’s business operations have no direct relationship with the production of hazardous waste but are susceptible mainly to indirect emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. Our self-assessment results are consistent with those from the materiality assessment that the effective use of resources such as electricity, water and careful management of non-hazardous waste are important aspects in the Group’s drive towards environmental protection. Besides, materials used and recycling of waste in daily operations such as cooking oil, paper and plastic bottles are under scrutiny. Climate change related issues have been considered in our risk management process and no major climate-related issues have a significant impact on our operations, which is consistent with our materiality assessment as well. Accordingly, the Group continues to focus on green activities to reduce energy consumption and minimize wastage, while maintaining awareness on climate-related issues. Corporate Benefits Community Benefits Our Green Approach Our green approach includes development of “Leadership and Culture”, “Green Facilities Enhancement” and embeds them into our daily business operations to ensure “Effective Use of Resources”. With this approach, we enhanced individual health, corporate performance and helped foster a green community. The diagram illustrates the objectives of our green approach which serve as direction for exploring, designing, implementing and participating in every green activity. Our Environment 1. Minimizing and Recycling of Waste in Daily Operation 2. Minimizing and Recycling of Food Waste 4. Energy Efficiency 5. Efficient Use of Water Material Topics 031 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2021