Annual Report 2021

B. Number of Employees & Turnover Rate by Gender and Age Group per Employee Category Overall By Gender By Age Group Male Female Below 30 30-50 Over 50 Senior Managerial/Executives 35 24 11 0 15 20 Middle Management 166 96 70 0 106 60 Supervisory & General 904 522 382 128 445 331 Total Number of Employees 1,105 642 463 128 566 411 Turnover Rate 25.7% 22.0% 30.5% 50.0% 22.4% 21.3% (III) Occupational Health and Safety We place the health and safety of our employees at the topmost priority of concern. A Hygiene & Health Safety Team has been formed to promote training to staff on hygiene and occupational safety awareness. All relevant staff is encouraged to take Occupational Health and Safety and First Aid courses. As of December 2021, there are 28 staff members with valid First Aid Certificate working in different outlets. First-aid arrangements at different workplaces are well established in accordance to legal requirements and are regularly inspected by our Hygiene & Safety Team. Standard Operating Procedures for prevention and handling of work injury have been established and communicated to staff as well. During the reporting year, 42 work injury cases accounting for 1,125 lost work-days were reported. There were no serious or fatal work injuries in the past 3 years. We strive to provide a safe and secure workplace for our employees so as to maintain a low incident rate at work through improving our work process, facilities, equipment and systems. For example in our F&B outlets, food factory and Hotel premises, we have provided or sponsored our staff with appropriate personal protective equipment such as cut-resistant gloves and slip-resistant shoes, paved kitchen floors with anti-slip strips, and used anti-slip floor sanitizer, so as to prevent one of the most common accidents in F&B industry. Internal communication channel was also established for reporting safety non-conformity and sharing safety-related news. In addition, investigation and rectification would be conducted immediately after any incident of injury at workplace in an effort to avoid recurrence. Hong Kong Employee Statistics as of 31 December 2021 A. Number of Employees by Gender, Age Group, Employment Type and Employee Category Overall Corporate Property Rental Hotels & Serviced Apartments Food & Beverage Travel Staff Number 1,105 148 109 441 204 203 By Gender Male 642 61 82 248 133 118 Female 463 87 27 193 71 85 By Age Group Below 30 128 27 6 58 18 19 30 to 50 566 80 62 209 87 128 Over 50 411 41 41 174 99 56 By Employment Type Full Time 1,105 148 109 441 204 203 Part Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 By Employee Category Senior Managerial/Executives 35 20 4 6 1 4 Middle Management 166 49 16 56 20 25 Supervisory & General 904 79 89 379 183 174 038 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2021 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited