Annual Report 2021

2,319pax | 1,685hr 7,135pax | 4,555hr 569pax | 161hr 11,699pax | 7,704hr 197pax | 254hr 994pax | 608hr 179pax | 191hr 3pax | 8hr 303pax | 242hr B. Total Attendance and Total Training Hours per Training Topics Overall By Gender By Employee Category Male Female Supervisory & General Middle Management Senior Managerial/ Executives Ratio of Staff Trained (As of 31/12/2021) 48% 47% 49% 46% 52% 69% Total Attendance (pax) 11,699 3,341 8,358 10,701 926 72 Average Training Hours (hr) 6.97 3.85 11.30 7.42 5.61 1.72 Hong Kong Staff Training Statistics in 2021 A. Ratio of Staff Trained, Total Attendance and Average Training Hours by Gender and Employee Category In recognition of our Group’s outstanding achievements in fostering an organizational culture conducive to manpower training, development and life-long learning, the Employees Retraining Board has awarded us the honour of “Manpower Developer” since 2011. Protecting Our Staff against COVID19 We have actively tied in with the government’s strategies to prevent and control the spreading of the disease and take every step for protecting our staff. During the year, we have rolled out the “Vaccination Encouragement” programme to support our staff to protect themselves against COVID-19. In the programme, we have invited a medical professor from Chinese University Hong Kong to hold a few seminars to share knowledge and information about the pandemic and vaccination with our staff. In addition, all eligible staff was entitled to 2 days of paid leave for one dose received and a special bonus as an appreciation. With our proactive encouragement, the Group’s overall vaccination rate achieved 88% in 2021. Besides, we have continuously adopted a series of preventive measures, such as regular update on health tips for our staff, providing adequate personal protection equipment, regular workplace sanitization, arranging A/B alternative site and social distancing measures in staff canteen, etc. (IV) Staff Training and Development The Group offers comprehensive learning and development roadmaps for employees to advance their career achievements within the Group. These include provision of in-house and external training programmes in various aspects, such as professional and technical skills, industry knowledge, customer services, green practices, new laws and regulations, etc. We also offer sponsorship to encourage staff to pursue continuing education. To cope with the COVID-19 epidemic, a series of hygiene trainings has been provided to our staff based on their job nature, aimed at raising their awareness on personal hygiene and guarding against infection. At the same time, we have reinforced enhanced hygiene measures in business operations. To reduce transmission risks, instead of face-to-face trainings, alternative training approaches have been adopted wherever practicable, such as provision of self-learning packs, training videos, online tests, etc. 039 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2021