Annual Report 2021

The Group places importance on green purchases and emphasizes local procurement wherever possible to support local businesses and reduce carbon emissions associated with transport and shipping. In 2021, local purchase accounted for over 97% of our total purchasing amount; geographical distribution of the active suppliers is described below. Region Hong Kong United States Mainland & Macau Singapore Others Total No. of Active Suppliers (%) 1,348 (97.4%) 20 (1.5%) 4 (0.3%) 3 (0.2%) 9 (0.6%) 1,384 (100%) 11 11 All vendors must have gone through our procurement process centrally handled by Group Procurement Department Our Supply Chain 21. Product Safety and Service Quality 22. Customer Satisfaction 24. Anti-corruption 25. Data Protection and Privacy 18. Ethical and Responsible Procurement Practice 19. Respect and Protect Intellectual Property Rights 23. Responsible Marketing Top Material Topics (V) Work-life Balance We encourage and support our staff to develop personal hobbies and interests outside of work to achieve work-life balance. The Group provides staff with free sports and recreational facilities such as snooker and cycling machine in leisure rooms and pantry, and also free booking of sport venues for maintaining healthy lifestyle in and outside office. In recent years, the Group organized several interactive DIY workshops to provide opportunities for our staff to put aside their work and have fun with their colleagues to create their own products such as eco-enzyme cleaners, natural lip balm, plant in a jar and CNY ornaments. We understand that work-life balance is important to every employee, especially for employees with family responsibilities. In addition to the statutory requirements for maternity leave and paternity leave, the Group also provides employees with marriage and compassionate day-offs. In addition, as to support breastfeeding for working mothers, we provide lactation breaks and set up a nursing room in the workplace. This year, the Group has also been honored as “Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace” from UNICEF in the “Say Yes to Breastfeeding 2021/2022” campaign in recognition of our support to breastfeeding mother. (VI) Employee Relations We care about employees and aim to build a positive and caring atmosphere in the workplace. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to reduce our regular employee activities, such as monthly team gathering for birthday celebrations, team building activities and annual Christmas party, etc. To share joy with our staff in the festive seasons, we had mooncakes giveaway to every staff in Mid-Autumn Festival, organized a Christmas gacha lucky draw with a range of fascinating gifts for festival celebration. In dispensing small gifts, our hotel management has even dressed up as Santa Claus to amaze our team members! We value opinions from our staff and have established various communication channels to encourage open communication at all levels. For instance, we have established a CEO channel for staff to directly express their opinions to the Chairman and CEO. In addition, the management has regularly reached out to frontline staff to have a better understanding of their working environment so as to provide appropriate support. Material Topics 040 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2021 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited