Annual Report 2021

Our supply chain management is effective at helping maintain high-standard compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Supported by our risk management system, environmental and social risks along the supply chain, such as risks related to indirect emissions associated with shipping, food safety, data privacy and corruption, were comprehensively identified, regularly assessed, properly managed and monitored throughout the process. Our social, environmental and occupational health and safety standards are clearly stipulated in our vendor registration and tendering processes in which only qualified vendors are invited in every procurement exercise. These processes are independently reviewed and monitored to ensure that procurement activities are conducted in accordance with the Group’s requirements. Besides, terms in every contract are stipulated with compliance requirements with relevant local legislation, such asminimumwage ordinance, environmental-related ordinances, competition lawand labour law. Should any contractor or supplier be found in any serious non-compliance, they will be removed from the registered vendor list. Product Safety and Service Quality (I) Food Safety in F&B Business The Group has hired professional hygiene teams to ensure food safety in our F&B operations. Our food hygiene control system is applied throughout the processes from food purchases to production, from preservation to catering. All food vendors are prequalified with assessment of high level of hygiene standard. Standard hygiene inspection procedures are also applicable to the food receiving procedures. On-site hygiene inspections and supplier audits are regularly conducted. Immediate rectification is requested when irregularity is identified. Recall procedures have been established to deal with food products with hygiene-related shortfall identified through customer complaints or our independent hygiene investigation. Our hygiene team is also responsible for daily monitoring of food safety as per alerts raised by the Centre for Food Safety. If any ingredients of our food products are proved as contaminated by the Centre for Food Safety, we will immediately stop using it and, where necessary, recall the food products for destruction. During the pandemic, the Government imposed a series of hygienic and operational controls on the catering business with a view to arresting the transmission of COVID-19. The Group has established a monitoring mechanism to keep business operations closely updated on the relevant, changing regulatory requirements together with news on on-going developments. To provide a safe dining environment, all our restaurants have been registered in Type D mode of operation as at 31 Dec 2021 under the Government’s vaccine bubble scheme, and all our restaurant staff members have completed the COVID-19 vaccination course. Our internal hygiene team has performed frequent on-site inspections to ensure compliance. Meanwhile, to support maintaining social distancing in the community, Mira Dining has devised a wide- variety takeaway menu, from seasonal food to holiday combo, to enable our guests to enjoy high-quality food when staying home with family. During the reporting period, the Group did not have any major incident of food recall due to food safety issue nor did it find any non-compliance case in relation to food safety laws and regulations that had a significant impact on the Group. (II) Quality Services in Property Management The Group follows the ISO9001 and ISO14001 standards to ensure quality property management services in our office building and shopping mall. Key service providers in such services as cleansing, water supply and sewerage maintenance are required to adhere to our standards as stipulated in contract. During the pandemic, we have further strengthened our hygiene measures by increasing cleaning and disinfection frequency in common areas, public facilities and air conditioning filters, also installed with air purifying facilities. We strive to provide an excellent environment to our tenants and customers. Since 2013, we have been identified with “Good Class” to “Excellent Class” for our shopping malls and office tower in “Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme” by Environmental Protection Department. Customer Satisfaction and Quality Controls The Group strives to offer premium quality services and goods to customers and we believe that customer satisfaction and their comments are of paramount importance to business success and sustainability. This entails ourmaintaining stringent product safety standards and a focus on health and safety issues in operations. A wide range of feedback channels, such as mobile app, social media and comment cards, are established to invite comments from our stakeholders. Any complaint received will be handled by corresponding teams for following up, and all comments are analyzed for ways to further improvement. 041 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2021