Annual Report 2021

Supporting the Challenged While the prolonged pandemic has brought severe impact on every sector of Hong Kong, Miramar Group has continued to walk through the tough time hand-in-hand with different walks of life this year. As a responsible landlord, we understand the difficulties faced by our tenants and provided various supports to them, such as rental assistance, deferred rental scheme and promotional support, especially for those in retail, food and beverage industries, and small and medium enterprises. Besides, in the wish to share our resources with people in need in our community, we have further donated 5,000 pieces of surgical masks to St. James’ Settlement for those underprivileged families this year. Besides supporting local community, The Mira has also supported the “Cook for India” event, which our Culinary Director has joined hands with other Hong Kong’s top Indian chefs to collaborate on a charity dinner, and all revenue from the event would be donated to UNICEF to assist those suffering from the COVID-19 crisis in India. (II) Nurturing the Next Generation The development of the next generation is important to our future. We continue to invest our time, knowledge and resources to partner with various educational and creative institutions to provide opportunities for our next generation to develop their interests and potential. Career Development Our Hotels have regularly organized career fairs, career seminars and hotel visits for students and interested parties for them to gain work experiences. We have also offered internship programs for local and overseas students to provide them with the opportunities to acquire knowledge and learn practical skills in the hospitality industry. In the past 3 years, we have trained up 44 interns and arranged hotel visits for 63 visitors. Platform for Creativity Mira Place has continued to support local creativity by providing performance platform in our shopping malls. Same as previous years, Mira Place has continued to organize the “Gimme LiVe Music Festival” and themed of “RE-LIVE” this year. Besides providing a good arena for young singers to demonstrate their (I) Fighting the Virus Together Under the challenges and uncertainties brought by the successive, new variants of the coronavirus, Miramar strives to protect our community and further enhance our existing hygiene measures. Our Hygiene Promise The safety of our products and services has always been our paramount concern in our operations. We have spared no effort in strengthening our hygiene protocols and upholding our hygiene commitments during the pandemic. Our hotels have launched the “Mira-Clean Promise” programme since last year to ensure that all rooms are cleaned in accordance with high standards of hygiene and infection prevention protocols. Our room attendants were arranged to receive trainings on cleaning and disinfection procedures. All cleaned rooms will be inspected by supervisor and sealed to ensure no one else enters the room before the guest moves in. Moreover, one of our hotels, Mira Moon, was in the first batch of hotels participating in the “designated quarantine hotel scheme” in 2020 and has stayed in the scheme throughout the year for providing quarantine accommodation for overseas travellers to minimise the chance of them infecting the local community. Being a designated quarantine hotel, Mira Moon has maintained the highest hygiene standards and fulfilled strict infection-control requirements on the facilities and workflow design. In addition, Mira Place has also taken every steps to enhance our shoppers’ experience and reduce transmission risks in our malls and office tower. Despite the application of innovative facilities and technology, such as nano-coating protection on frequently touched surfaces, smart cleaning robot, non- contact disinfection stations, Mira Place has further been installed with 3-layer air treatment units in the mall toilets for sterilizing virus and bacteria in such high-circulation areas. Our hotels and shopping malls have been recognized in the “Anti-Epidemic Hygiene Measures Certification Scheme” by Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. 044 Environmental, Social and Governance Report Annual Report 2021 Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited