Annual Report 2021

071 Corporate Governance Report Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2021 Risk Categories Key Risks Key Measures in Risk Mitigations Risk Level (Risk Velocity) Risk Momentum Environmental Threats of adverse effects on the environment by effluents, emissions, wastes, resource depletion, etc., arising out of daily operations; negative impact on the operations resulting from climate change, e.g. supply chain disruption, food source, etc. – Environmental Policy have been established – Environmental Committees have been set up to enhance environmental protection – Environmental trainings are provided to staff – Green purchasing practices are followed and sufficient vendor pool is maintained – Closely monitoring of energy usage – A series of Energy Saving Plan, e.g. upgrade of chiller plant, use of LED light bulbs, have been implemented – Promote awareness of environmental protection among guests, e.g. no provision of plastic straw, use of biodegradable materials, etc. Low (Slow)  The nature of Group businesses and operations has very minimal impact on the environment. The risk level remains at a low level Risk Momentum: (  ) Risk level increased; (  ) Risk level decreased; or (  ) Risk level unchanged