Annual Report 2021

081 Report of the Directors Miramar Hotel and Investment Company, Limited Annual Report 2021 Substantial Shareholders’ and Others’ Interest The Company has been notified of the following interests in the Company’s issued shares at 31 December 2021, amounting to 5% or more of the shares in issue: Ordinary Shares Long Positions Substantial shareholders Ordinary shares held Percentage of total issued shares Dr LEE Shau Kee 345,999,980 (note 1) 50.08% Dr LEE Ka Shing 345,999,980 (note 2) 50.08% Rimmer (Cayman) Limited (“Rimmer”) 345,999,980 (note 6) 50.08% Riddick (Cayman) Limited (“Riddick”) 345,999,980 (note 6) 50.08% Hopkins (Cayman) Limited (“Hopkins”) 345,999,980 (note 6) 50.08% Henderson Development Limited (“Henderson Development”) 345,999,980 (note 7) 50.08% Henderson Land Development Company Limited (“Henderson Land”) 345,999,980 (note 7) 50.08% Aynbury Investments Limited (“Aynbury”) 345,999,980 (note 7) 50.08% Higgins Holdings Limited (“Higgins”) 120,735,300 (note 7) 17.47% Multiglade Holdings Limited (“Multiglade”) 128,658,680 (note 7) 18.62% Threadwell Limited (“Threadwell”) 96,606,000 (note 7) 13.98% Persons other than substantial shareholders Mr CHONG Wing Cheong 68,910,652 9.97% Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December 2021, none of the above shareholders had held any interests or short position in the shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporation as defined in the SFO. Notes: (1) Dr Lee Shau Kee beneficially owned all the issued shares in Rimmer, Riddick and Hopkins. By virtue of the SFO, Dr Lee Shau Kee is taken to be interested in 345,999,980 shares, which are duplicated in the interests described in Notes 2, 6 and 7. (2) As a director of the Company and one of the discretionary beneficiaries of two discretionary trusts holding units in a unit trust (“Unit Trust”) as described in Note 6, Dr Lee Ka Shing is taken to be interested in 345,999,980 shares, which are duplicated in the interests described in Notes 1, 6 and 7, by virtue of the SFO. (3) All these shares were held by a unit trust of which Dr Patrick Fung Yuk Bun was a beneficiary. (4) All these shares were held through corporations in which Mr Richard Tang Yat Sun owned more than 30% of the issued shares. (5) These 2,218,000 shares, of which 1,080,000 shares were held by a trust of which Mr Thomas Liang Cheung Biu’s spouse was a beneficiary and the remaining of 1,138,000 shares were held by his spouse. (6) Rimmer and Riddick, trustees of different discretionary trusts, held units in the Unit Trust. Hopkins was the trustee of the Unit Trust which beneficially owned all the issued ordinary shares in Henderson Development. These 345,999,980 shares are duplicated in the interests described in Notes 1, 2 and 7. (7) Henderson Development had a controlling interest in Henderson Land which was the holding company of Aynbury. The 345,999,980 shares were beneficially owned by some of the subsidiaries of Aynbury. Higgins, Multiglade and Threadwell were subsidiaries of Aynbury. These 345,999,980 shares are duplicated in the interests described in Notes 1, 2 and 6. (8) These shares were owned by the spouse of Mr Thomas Liang Cheung Biu. (9) As a director of the Company and one of the discretionary beneficiaries of two discretionary trusts holding units in the Unit Trust, Dr Lee Ka Shing is taken to be interested in these shares by virtue of the SFO. (10) These shares of which 98 shares were held through corporations in which Mr Norman Ho Hau Chong owned more than 30% of the issued shares and the remaining 1 share was held by his spouse.