Annual Report 2020
CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT 董事長報告書 20 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 致列位股東: 本年度業績 本人謹代表董事會成員欣然提呈本集團截至二 零二零年十二月三十一日止年度之經審核年度 業績。 於本年度回顧,本集團面臨嚴峻挑戰。除了中 美之間持續的貿易爭端外,二零二零年初爆發 的新冠肺炎疫情均對中國的經濟活動和運輸產 生了不利影響。為了有效控制疫情的爆發,中 國政府自二零二零年一月起對多個城市實施了 封鎖措施。這導致中國的經濟增長於二零二零 年第一季度同比收縮 6.8% 。 猶幸,透過二零二零年四月中旬起中國各行業 陸續重開,加上中國政府推行內循環政策,國 內經濟和社會活動逐漸開始恢復正常。於二零 二零年,第三季和第四季社會消費品零售總額 分別同比增長 0.9% 和 4.6% ,隨著國內需求顯 著增長,中國多個行業亦逐漸擺脫了疫情的困 擾。在二零二零年,中國生產總值(「 GDP 」)首 次突破人民幣 100 萬億元,同比增長 2.3% ,使 中國在這困難年度成為全球唯一實現經濟正增 長的主要經濟體。 儘管原材料成本及出口銷售量下跌,導致我們 的平均售價和總營業額減少,但在我們銷售團 隊的不懈努力下,二零二零年的總銷售量比去 年輕微增長 1% 。此外,本集團積極採取嚴格 的成本控制措施,積極降低採購和生產成本, 因此來自持續經營業務的毛利率提高了 1.7 個 百分點至 19.3% 。除了毛利增加,本集團致力 減少計息債務,財務成本減少,使本集團淨溢 利比上年同期港幣 108,344,000 元上升 36.8% 至港幣 148,254,000 元。這結果證明了我們的 核心業務具有獨特競爭力,能夠迅速適應充滿 挑戰的經營環境,並繼續為國內和國際市場的 客戶生產精品鋼簾線。 Dear Shareholders, RESULTS FOR THE YEAR On behalf of the fellow members of the Board, I am pleased to present the audited annual results of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2020. During the year under review, the Group faced severe challenges. Apart from the ongoing trade dispute between China and the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in early 2020 impeded economic activities and transportation across China. To effectively contain the pandemic, the Chinese government implemented lockdown measures in various cities since January 2020, which in turn caused China’s economic growth to shrink by 6.8% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2020. Fortunately, as various industries in China gradually restored business since mid-April 2020, together with the domestic circulation policy adopted by the Chinese government, domestic economic and social activities gradually returned to normal. In 2020, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 0.9% and 4.6% year-on-year in the third quarter and the fourth quarter respectively. Thanks to the notable increase of domestic demand, different sectors in China overcame the hardships in the pandemic. In 2020, China’s gross domestic product (“GDP”) grew by 2.3% year- on-year and surpassed RMB100 trillion for the first time, making China the only major economy in the world to achieve positive economic growth in such difficult year. The decreases in raw material costs and export sales dragged down our average selling price and total revenue. However, thanks to the unremitting efforts of our sales team, the total sales volumes slightly grew by 1% year-on-year in 2020. Besides, through actively adopting stringent cost reduction measures, the Group lowered its purchasing and production costs, therefore gross profit margin from the continuing operations improved by 1.7 percentage points to 19.3%. In addition to the increase in gross profit, the finance costs declined as the Group strived to cut interest-bearing debt, increasing the Group’s net profit by 36.8% year-on- year from HK$108,344,000 to HK$148,254,000. The results manifested the distinctive competence of our core business, which helps us adapt quickly to the challenging operating environment, while producing high-quality steel cords for our customers in both domestic and international markets.