Annual Report 2020
CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT 董事長報告書 21 2020 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 面對長期供不應求的鋼簾線市場,本集團積極 提升生產力。本集團積極推進滕州廠房擴展 計劃,以投資建設新的黃絲設施,目標增加額 外 100,000 噸鋼簾線生產力,目前建設進度理 想,並已於本年度回顧內開始經營。產能的擴 張可大幅提升本集團核心競爭力和盈利能力, 本集團繼而逐步邁向年產量 300,000 噸以上精 品鋼簾線的目標。 於二零二零年十二月三十一日,本集團的資產 淨值為每股港幣 0.867 元,較二零一九年底的 每股港幣 0.736 元增加 17.8% 。與去年每股基 本盈利港幣 5.63 仙相比,本集團於本年度錄得 每股基本盈利港幣 7.76 仙,增加了 37.8% 。 As steel cord market has been in short supply for a long period of time, the Group strives to enhance its productivity. Aiming to add an additional 100,000 tonnes of steel cord production capacity, the Group actively propelled an expansion plan in its Tengzhou plant and invested in new brass wire production facilities. With a satisfactory construction progress, the new facilities commenced operation during the year under review. Since the increase in productivity significantly enhances the Group’s core competitiveness and profitability, the Group continues to make great strides towards its goal to manufacture over 300,000 tonnes of high-quality steel cords annually. The Group’s net asset value was HK$0.867 per Share as at 31 December 2020, an increase of 17.8% as compared to HK$0.736 per Share at the end of 2019. The Group recorded basic earnings per Share of HK7.76 cents for the year, an increase of 37.8% when compared to its basic earnings per Share of HK5.63 cents for the previous year.