Annual Report 2020
MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 26 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 持續經營業務之鋼簾線分部 營業額 於本年度回顧,全球市場充滿了挑戰和不確定 性。新冠肺炎疫情自年初開始在全球爆發,為 防止疫情蔓延,各種社交生活及經濟活動被迫 暫停或減少,無可避免地導致全球經濟面臨下 行壓力。除此之外,中美貿易關係持續緊張, 為全球經濟及政治環境帶來許多不確定因素。 故此,中國於二零二零年的 GDP 年增長率下降 至 2.3% 。 截 至 二 零 二 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年 度,本 集 團 之 鋼 簾 線 分 部 的 營 業 額 為 港 幣 2,040,059,000 元( 二 零 一 九 年: 港 幣 2,139,930,000 元 ), 較 上 一 年 度 減 少 約 4.7% 。這主要因為上半年新冠肺炎疫情的爆 發使鋼簾線的平均銷售價格隨著原材料成本和 出口銷售量的下降而減低。但是,我們的銷售 團隊付出了巨大的努力去把握市場中的每一 個機會,因此二零二零年的總銷售量比去年略 微增長了 1.0 %。此分部於本年度銷售 195,421 噸鋼簾線,較去年報 194,006 噸上升 0.7% 。在 切割鋼絲產品的銷售方面,由於我們努力不懈 地開拓新客戶,以及光伏、藍寶石和磁性材料 市場的好轉,銷售量從去年的 160 噸大幅上升 161.9% 至 419 噸。我們其他鋼絲的銷售額從去 年的 9,152 噸增加到 9,527 噸,增長了 4.1 %。 本年度此分部的銷售量分析如下: Continuing operations of steel cord segment Revenue During the year under review, there were full of challenges and uncertainties for the global market. The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic began since the beginning of the year, in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic, various social life and economic activities were forced to be suspended or reduced, which inevitably caused the global economy to face downward pressure. In addition, the continuous tension of Sino-US trade relations brought many uncertainties to the global economic and political environment. Therefore, China’s annual growth rate of GDP in 2020 fell to 2.3%. For the year ended 31 December 2020, the Group’s revenue of steel cord segment amounted to HK$2,040,059,000 (2019: HK$2,139,930,000), representing a decrease of 4.7% from the previous year. This is mainly because the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of the year caused the average selling price of the steel cords to decrease with the drop in the cost of raw materials and export sales. However, our sales team made great effort on grasping every opportunity in the markets, so the total sales volumes of 2020 slightly increased by 1.0% over last year. This segment sold 195,421 tonnes of steel cord during the year, increased by 0.7% as compared to 194,006 tonnes last year. In respect of the sales of sawing wire products, it increased substantially by 161.9% from 160 tonnes to 419 tonnes for last year, attributable to our persistent effort in exploring new customers as well as the improvement of the photovoltaic, sapphire and magnetic material markets. There was an 4.1% increase in the sales of our other steel wires from 9,152 tonnes to 9,527 tonnes for last year. The sales volume of this segment for the year is set out below: