Annual Report 2020
MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 40 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 5. 在二零二零年下半年,我們重整了管理團 隊,增加了在出口銷售和產品或生產過程 研發方面經驗豐富的專業人員; 6. 在上述滕州東方擴建項目進行投資的同 時,我們還設法減少了計息債務,這是由 於我們在收回賬款方面的不懈努力,導致 相關財務費用大幅減少。我們亦積極管理 現金流,為我們在各種市場的任何波動做 好準備;及 7. 鋼簾線╱鋼絲的製造無疑是我們的主要 業務支柱,但在二零二一年,我們將對其 他業務進行專門的探索,我們認為這對我 們的主要業務產生協同效應,或者能夠在 「十四五」規劃中推動我們的增長。 5. In the latter half of 2020, we have realigned our management team with the addition of seasoned professionals in export sales and research and development of product or production process; 6. Whilst making investment for the TESC expansion as aforementioned, we have also managed to reduce interest-bearing debt which is attributable to our persistent effort in receivable collection and resulting to a substantial decrease in finance expenses. Our uncompromising endeavour in managing cashflow should prepare us for any swing or headwind in our various markets; and 7. Steel cord/wire manufacturing is undoubtedly our mainstay but in 2021, we will make a dedicated exploration in other businesses which we believe to have either a synergetic effect on our principal business or be able to fuel our growth in the 14th Five Year Plan.