Annual Report 2020
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 46 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 董事於本年度舉行的會議出席紀錄 (「出席紀錄」) 附註: 1. 鄧國求先生於二零二零年十一月三十日辭任執行 董事及董事副總經理。 2. 廖駿先生於二零二一年一月十五日辭任非執行董 事,而 Adam Touhig 先生於同日獲委任為非執行 董事。 於本年度,舉行了兩次風險評估會議藉以處理 本集團之風險管理及內部監控事宜。並且,於 結算日後執行董事及本集團管理層舉行了一次 預算會議以檢討二零二零年之業務表現及二零 二一年之業務計劃。 Record of attendance of Directors at the meetings held during the year (“Attendance Record”) Number of Meetings Attended and Held 會議之出席及舉行數目 Board Meetings Audit Committee Meetings Remuneration Committee Meetings Nomination Committee Meetings Annual General Meeting Name of Director 董事姓名 董事會會議 審核委員會會議 薪酬委員會會議 提名委員會會議 股東周年大會 Su Fanrong 蘇凡荣 4/4 N/A 不適用 1/1 2/2 1/1 Tang Cornor Kwok Kau (Note 1) 鄧國求 (附註 1 ) 3/4 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 1/1 Ye Qian 葉芊 4/4 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 1/1 Li Jinping 李金平 4/4 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 1/1 Liao Jun (Note 2) 廖駿 (附註 2 ) 4/4 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 1/1 Yip Kin Man, Raymond 葉健民 4/4 4/4 1/1 2/2 1/1 Lam Yiu Kin 林耀堅 4/4 4/4 1/1 2/2 1/1 Feng Yaoling 馮耀嶺 4/4 4/4 1/1 2/2 1/1 Notes: 1. Mr. Tang Cornor Kwok Kau resigned as an executive Director and a deputy managing Director on 30 November 2020. 2. Mr. Liao Jun resigned as a non-executive Director on 15 January 2021 and Mr. Adam Touhig was appointed as a non-executive Director on the same date. During the year, two risk assessment meetings were held to deal with risk management issues of the Group. In addition, the executive Directors and the management of the Group held a budget meeting to review the business performance of 2020 and planning of 2021 business after the balance sheet date.