Annual Report 2020
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 69 2020 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 本公司已聘任大華國際諮詢有限公司為本公司 內部核數師。於本年度,內部核數師 (i) 與審核 委員會會面以討論本集團的風險管理程序並提 出建議以改善風險評估程序; (ii) 與審核委員會 討論有關內部審核服務及提供對內部監控作出 改善之建議;及 (iii) 向審核委員會提交有關本 集團業務分部的主要風險等等。除協助建議本 公司維持一個有效及充足的風險管理及內部監 控系統,他們亦於兩間鋼簾線廠房實地視察後 進行測試及監控,以檢討及監控本集團之內部 運作。 管理層向董事會提供截至二零二零年十二月 三十一日止年度的所有有關本公司之風險管理 和內部監控系統是否有效及足夠之相關確認函 已收悉。審核委員會成員已審閱該等確認函的 內容並提呈董事會,董事會已在董事會會議上 審閱並確認本集團風險管理和內部監控系統的 有效性及足夠性。 鑒於上述,董事會已確保最少每年檢討一次本 集團的風險管理及內部監控系統是否有效及足 夠及董事會認為本集團於二零二零年內之風險 管理和內部監控系統是有效和充足的。但是, 若干範疇例如管理營運及其他風險中有關產品 品質控制及新產品開發計劃方面的措施還有改 善的空間。 The Company has engaged Moore Advisory Services Limited, as the internal auditor of the Company. During the year, the internal auditor had (i) met with the audit committee to discuss and provide recommendations on improving the risk assessment process of the Group; (ii) discussed the major findings in respect of internal audit services with the audit committee and provided recommendations for improvement on internal control; and (iii) delivered the audit committee the internal audit reports regarding the main risk areas of the business segments of the Group and internal audit plan in relation thereto, etc. Apart from taking part in advising the maintenance of an effective and adequate risk management and internal control systems of the Company, they also reviewed and monitored the internal operation of the Group through the testing and controls performed after arranging site visits of the two steel cord plants. All relevant confirmations from the management provided to the Board on the effectiveness and adequacy of the Company’s risk management and internal controls systems for the year ended 31 December 2020 had been received. The audit committee members had reviewed those contents of the confirmations and submitted the same to the Board. The Board had reviewed and confirmed the effectiveness and adequacy of the Group’s risk management and internal control systems at the Board meeting. In view of the foregoing, the Board had duly ensured the review of the effectiveness and adequacy of the risk management and internal control systems of the Group was conducted at least annually and the Board therefore considered that the risk management and internal control systems of the Group were effective and adequate throughout the year of 2020. However, there is room for improvement in certain areas, for instance, the measures of managing operational and other risks, such as product quality control and new product development.