Annual Report 2020
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 80 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 成員股東有權力要求傳閱陳述書 根據公司條例第 580 條,本公司成員╱股東可 要求本公司向有權收到股東大會的通知的本公 司成員╱股東,傳閱關於有待在該大會上處理 的、某被提出的決議所述的事宜;或其他有待 在該大會上處理的事務,而字數不多於 1,000 字的陳述書。本公司如收到佔全體有相關表決 權利的成員╱股東的總表決權最少 2.5% 的成 員╱股東;或最少 50 名有相關表決權利的成 員╱股東提出的傳閱陳述書的要求,則須傳閱 該陳述書。 上述成員╱股東要求 (i) 可採用印本形式送交本 公司註冊辦事處,地址為香港柴灣新業街 6 號 安力工業中心 12 樓 1215 室或以電子形式電郵 至郵箱 ; (ii) 須指 出將予傳閱的陳述書; (iii) 須經所有提出該要 求的人認證;及 (iv) 須於該要求所關乎的大會 前最少七日送抵本公司。 根據公司條例第 581 條,本公司須根據第 580 條就傳閱陳述書須按發出有關大會的通知的同 樣方式;及在發出該大會的通知的同時,或在 發出該通知後,在合理的切實可行的範圍內盡 快,將該陳述書的文本,送交每名有權收到該 大會的通知的公司成員╱股東。要求傳閱有關 陳述書的成員╱股東無需支付本公司為遵守第 581 條而招致的費用,如有關要求所關乎的大 會,是本公司的股東周年大會;及本公司及時 收到足以令本公司須傳閱該陳述書的要求,使 本公司在發出該大會的通知的同時,能夠送交 該陳述書的文本。 Shareholders’ power to request circulation of statement Pursuant to Section 580 of the Companies Ordinance, a member/Shareholder of the Company may request the Company to circulate, to members/Shareholders of the Company entitled to receive notice of a general meeting, a statement of not more than 1,000 words with respect to a matter mentioned in a proposed resolution to be dealt with at that meeting or other business to be dealt with at that meeting. The Company is required to circulate the statement if it has received requests to do so from the members/Shareholders representing at least 2.5% of the total voting rights of all the members/Shareholders who have a relevant right to vote or at least 50 members/ Shareholders who have a relevant right to vote. The aforesaid members/Shareholders’ requests (i) may be sent to the Company in hard copy form at the registered office of the Company, at Room 1215, 12/F., Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong or in electronic form by email to . hk; (ii) must identify the statement to be circulated; (iii) must be authenticated by the person or persons making it; and (iv) must be received by the Company at least 7 days before the meeting to which it relates. Pursuant to Section 581 of the Companies Ordinance, the Company that is required under Section 580 to circulate a statement must send a copy of it to each member/ Shareholder of the Company entitled to receive notice of the meeting in the same manner as the notice of the meeting and at the same time as or as soon as reasonably practicable after it gives notice of the meeting. The expenses of the Company in complying with the Section 581 need not be paid by the members/Shareholders who requested the circulation of the statement if the meeting to which the requests relate is an AGM of the Company; and the requests sufficient to require the Company to circulate the statement are received in time to enable the Company to send a copy of the statement at the same time as it give notice of the meeting.