Annual Report 2020
REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 90 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 環境政策及表現 本集團承諾為業務所在地的環境和社區作出長 期可持續發展,控制及減少廢物的產生、廢氣 排出和廢水排放,並同時遵守香港及中國於生 產過程中防止及控制廢物的產生、廢氣排出和 廢水排出的適用環保法律規則及規定。 為突顯環境保護的重要性,本集團已由二零 一七年起正式採納了「環境政策」(「該政策」) 以作為內部監控指引的一部分,並已一直貫徹 實施。該政策的基本原則是減少、重用及回收 生產線和辦公室的資源,以減少廢物和有效地 使用能源及資源。本集團已實施多項措施並不 時予以監督,例如:有效的節能措施以減少能 源、水及其他資源的使用和實行減廢管理及減 少溫室氣體排放等等的措施已由二零一五年起 實行及遵守。有關本集團環境政策及表現的詳 細討論將載列於即將發佈之二零二零年度環 境、社會及管治報告內。 除了上述措施,本集團亦為董事和僱員安排了 進一步培訓及參與由不同組織舉辦之活動,使 他們認識到保護環境的重要性,並於辦公室和 生產線推廣職業安全健康。例如鼓勵各位同事 參與由建造業議會及香港綠色建築議會合辦的 「香港綠色建築週 2020 」,加強僱員對環境保護 的意識及提高其對綠色建築議題和可持續生活 方式的認識。並自二零一七年起參與由世界綠 色組織舉辦的「綠色辦公室獎勵計劃」和「健康 工作間獎勵計劃」,以推廣工作地點的職業安 全健康及環境保護的概念。這些為支持該政策 而實施的措施和安排的培訓乃根據本集團的需 求和實際情況而決定的,並將會每年由管理層 進行檢討。 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES AND PERFORMANCE The Group is committed to the long-term sustainability of the environment and community in which it engages by controlling and minimising the generation of wastes, waste gases emissions and sewage discharges, and at the same time, complies with the applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations on the prevention and control of wastage, waste gases emissions and sewage discharges in Hong Kong and PRC during the production process. In order to attach the importance of environmental protection, the Group has formally adopted an Environmental Policy (the “Policy”) since 2017, which has already been implemented all along as part of the Internal Control Manual. The underlying principle of the Policy is to reduce, reuse and recycle resources used in the production lines and offices so as to mitigate wastes and use energy and resources effectively. Various measures have been implemented within the Group and are monitored from time to time, for example, measures on effective energy conservation to reduce the use of energy, water and other resources; measures on managing the reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions, etc. had been taken and complied with since 2015. Detailed discussion on the environmental policies and performance of the Group will be set out in the 2020 ESG Report (to be published). In addition to the above measures, the Group has also provided further trainings to Directors and employees and has participated in activities organised by various organisations to emphasise the importance of environmental protection and to promote occupational health and safety in offices and production lines. For instance, to encourage our employees to participate the “Hong Kong Green Building Week 2020” organised by Construction Industry Council and The Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited, to strengthen employees’ awareness of environmental protection and raise their awareness of green building issues and sustainable lifestyles. To promote the concept of occupational health and safety in offices and environmental protection, we also participated in the “Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme” and “Eco-Healthy Workplace Awards Labelling Scheme” organised by World Green Organisation since 2017. These measures and trainings taken and provided by the Group in supporting the Policy are based on the needs and actual circumstances of the Group and will be reviewed by the management annually.