Annual Report 2020
REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 94 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 與主要持份者的關係 (續) 客戶 鋼簾線分部的主要客戶為子午線輪胎製造商。 我們大部分的客戶已是超過五年,為了回報他 們的忠誠,我們向他們提供優質的產品和售後 服務。 供應商 鋼簾線分部的主要供應商為鋼絲盤條原材料 供應商。我們與大部分供應商已合作了超過五 年,並透過定期會面和拜訪與他們保持良好關 係,以達致成本效益及促進長遠商業利益。 股東 本集團的最終營運目標是為股東爭取最大的回 報。本集團的主要股東為首鋼集團與其受控法 團、 Bekaert 、李嘉誠基金會及小股東。我們非 常感激長期支持本集團的股東,特別是在市場 情況不利和具有挑戰性的時候。 為了讓董事會決定是否建議從利潤中分配股息 來回報股東而制定可跟從的標準規則和指導方 針,本公司之股息政策已於二零一八年十二月 十八日獲董事會採納,詳情載於本年報第 41 頁 至 81 頁的「 企業管治報告 」章節內。 RELATIONSHIPS WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS (continued) Customers The major customers of steel cord segment are the radial tyres manufacturers. Most of them have been customers for more than 5 years and in return of their loyalty, we provided them with good quality products and after-sale services. Suppliers The major suppliers of steel cord segment are the steel wire rod suppliers. We have co-operated with most of the suppliers for more than 5 years and have maintained good relationship with them through regular face-to-face meetings and visits in order to achieve cost-effectiveness and obtain long-term commercial benefits. Shareholders The ultimate operational goal of the Group is to maximise our Shareholders’ returns. The major Shareholders of the Group are Shougang Group and its controlled corporations, Bekaert and Li Ka Shing Foundation and minority Shareholders. It is grateful to have Shareholders who are being supportive to the Group for a long period of time in particular the times when market conditions are adverse and challenging. To set standard rules and guidelines to be followed by the Board in deciding whether to recommend dividend out of the profits to reward the Shareholders, the dividend policy of the Company has been adopted by the Board on 18 December 2018, Details of which is contained in the “ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT ” section on pages 41 to 81 of this annual report.