Annual Report 2020
CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT 董事長報告書 22 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 股息 董事會建議派發截至二零二零年十二月三十一 日止年度之末期股息每股港幣 1.5 仙。 未來路向 展望二零二一年,隨著新冠肺炎疫情紓緩,全 球物流需求將大增,大型汽車的輪胎需求因而 增加。受惠於中國政府的內循環政策,加上對 輪胎的剛性需求有利鋼簾線銷售,本集團業務 前景向好。而且,因應中國政府節能及減排要 求,電動車產量不斷增加使其配套輪胎的需求 顯著增長,預期促進國內子午輪胎鋼簾線市場 擴張,長遠將為鋼簾線行業帶來更廣闊的發展 空間。通過研發和產品創新,進而提升產能, 我們持續增強競爭優勢,抓住國內和國際市場 的機遇以擴大市場佔有率。 在「十四五」規劃期間,中國提倡開啟全面建設 社會主義現代化國家的新征程,並加快構建以 國內大循環為主體、國內國際雙迴圈相互促進 的新發展格局。根據國家政策的變化,本集團 繼續致力在每個生產層面實踐綠化及環保,以 達致可持續發展及履行社會責任。 DIVIDEND The Board recommended the payment of a final dividend of HK1.5 cents per Share for the year ended 31 December 2020. PROSPECTS Looking ahead to 2021, with the mitigation of COVID-19 pandemic, global demand for logistics will witness a substantial increase, boosting the demand for large vehicles’ tyres. Leveraging the Chinese government’s domestic circulation policy, coupled with the solid demand on tyres, the prospects of the Group’s business operation is promising as the sales of steel cords is expected to bloom. Moreover, taking into consideration the Chinese government’s regulations on energy conservation and emission reduction, the constant increase in output of electric cars drives demand for their accessorial tyres, which will in turn expedite the market expansion of steel cords for domestic radial tyres and bring a more ample room for development to steel cord industry in the long term. Through research and product innovation, along with productivity enhancement, we will continue to sharpen our competitive edge and grasp opportunities in both domestic and international markets, with a view to increasing market share. During the period of the 14th Five Year Plan, China targets to build towards a modern socialist country and accelerate the establishment of a new development structure that is driven primarily by the domestic cycle and complimented by the dual circulation of domestic and international economies. In accordance with changes in national policies, the Group is committed to continuously implementing green and environmentally friendly practices in each aspect of our production, so as to achieve sustainable development and fulfil social responsibilities.