Annual Report 2021
99 年報 2021 ANNUAL REPORT REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 關連人士交易 (續) 關連交易-融資租賃安排 於二零二一年五月三十一日,滕州東方與南方 租賃訂立融資租賃合同,據此,滕州東方(即 機器及設備的擁有方)同意按購買代價人民 幣 20,000,000 元(相當於約港幣 24,000,000 元)出售機器及設備予南方租賃,而南方租 賃同意將機器及設備以租賃代價約人民幣 21,800,000 元(相當於約港幣 26,160,000 元) 租回給滕州東方,當中包括租金本金人民幣 20,000,000 元、租賃利息約人民幣 1,650,000 元及租賃手續費人民幣 150,000 元,租期為 十八( 18 )個月。同日,本公司(作為滕州東方 的控股公司)訂立以南方租賃為受益人的保證 合同,作為滕州東方於融資租賃合同項下所須 承擔付款義務的擔保。於租期結束時或償清租 金本金人民幣 20,000,000 元及其他應付款,滕 州東方有權按象徵性購買價格人民幣 2,000 元 購買機器及設備。訂立融資租賃合同之目的將 (i) 改善滕州東方的營運資金狀況; (ii) 令滕州東 方以及本集團可通過增加中期融資的比例優化 其資產及債務結構,此舉亦將改善本集團的流 動資金狀況;及 (iii) 使本集團的資金來源多樣 化。融資租賃安排預計不會對本集團的實際營 運造成重大影響。本集團概不會因根據融資租 賃合同銷售機器及設備而於其綜合財務報告內 應計任何收益或虧損,原因是根據香港財務報 告準則,其將於本集團的綜合財務報告內入賬 列為一項有抵押借款,而不會確認機器及設備 的任何銷售。滕州東方所收取的購買代價預計 將用作償還借款或購買╱開發資產,以提高滕 州東方的生產能力及效益。 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued) Connected Transaction – Finance Lease Arrangement On 31 May 2021, TESC and South China Leasing entered into the Finance Lease Agreement, pursuant to which TESC, being the owner of the Machineries and Equipment, agreed to sell the Machineries and Equipment to South China Leasing at the Purchase Consideration of RMB20,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$24,000,000) and South China Leasing agreed to lease back the Machineries and Equipment to TESC for the lease consideration of approximately RMB21,800,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$26,160,000), comprising the rental principal of RMB20,000,000, the lease interest of approximately RMB1,650,000 and the lease handling fee of RMB150,000, for a lease term of eighteen (18) months. On the same date, the Company, as the holding company of TESC, entered into the guarantee agreement in favour of South China Leasing as security for the payment obligations of TESC under the Finance Lease Agreement. At the end of the lease term or repayment of the rental principal of RMB20,000,000 and other payables, TESC shall have the right to purchase the Machineries and Equipment at a nominal purchase price of RMB2,000. The purpose for entering into the Finance Lease Agreement would (i) enhance the working capital position of TESC; (ii) allow TESC as well as the Group to optimise its asset and debt structure through increasing the percentage of medium-term financing, which will also improve the liquidity position of the Group; and (iii) diversify the financing source of the Group. It is expected that the finance lease arrangement has no material impact on the actual operations of the Group. There will not be any gain or loss accrued to the Group in its consolidated financial statements pursuant to the sale of the Machineries and Equipment under the Finance Lease Agreement, as it will be accounted for as a collateralised borrowing in the Group’s consolidated financial statements without recognition of any sale of Machineries and Equipment in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. The Purchase Consideration received by TESC is expected to be used to repay the borrowed money or to acquire/develop the assets, so as to enhance manufacturing capacity and efficiency of TESC.