Annual Report 2021
15 年報 2021 ANNUAL REPORT CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT 董事長報告書 致列位股東: 本年度業績 本人謹代表董事會成員欣然提呈本集團截至二 零二一年十二月三十一日止年度之經審核年度 業績。 於本年度回顧,面對複雜及嚴峻的國際環境和 國內新冠肺炎疫情等多重考驗,中國經濟持續 恢復發展,實現「十四五」規劃良好開局。隨 著中國實施大規模及嚴格的管控措施,新冠肺 炎疫情在二零二一年年初開始受到控制,生產 活動和其他經濟活動逐步回復正常,經濟回復 增長,導致在二零二一年上半年迎來強大的復 甦。但隨著新病毒變種的出現,中國各地開始 出現這些變種病毒的確診個案,中國的經濟復 甦再次陷入困境,根據中國國家統計局公佈的 數據顯示,中國國內生產總值(「 GDP 」)的季度 同比增長率由第一季的 18.3% 逐步下降至第四 季的 4.0% 。然而,二零二一年全年中國 GDP 約為人民幣 114.4 萬億元,比去年增長 8.1% 。 於二零二一年,全球經濟逐漸從新冠肺炎疫情 影響中復甦,中國經濟實現了穩健增長,尤其 是進出口貿易方面呈現出強勁的增長勢頭。而 且,於本年度回顧我們於滕州東方的鋼簾線╱ 鋼絲的生產能力已擴大至年產量 160,000 噸。 因此,本集團二零二一年的總銷售量比去年增 長 10.6% ,當中,鋼簾線出口銷售量大幅上升 76.1% 。二零二一年下半年新冠肺炎疫情反覆 不斷,造成廣泛的經濟和社會混亂,導致原材 料價格波動、貨運成本攀升、通脹壓力和能源 價格上升。故此,毛利率下跌至 15.4% ,銷售 及分銷費用增加 56.4% 。本集團年內錄得純利 港幣 80,879,000 元,而年內每股基本盈利港幣 4.26 仙。本集團於二零二一年十二月三十一日 公佈的每股資產淨值報港幣 0.91 元,較二零二 零年底的每股報港幣 0.87 元增加 4.6% 。 Dear Shareholders, RESULTS FOR THE YEAR I am pleased to present the audited annual results of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2021. During the year under review, in the face of multiple challenges such as the complex and difficult international environment and domestic COVID-19 epidemic, the China’s economy continued to recover and grow, and achieved a promising beginning to the 14th Five-Year Plan. Following the implementation of large-scale and stringent control measures in China, the COVID-19 epidemic began to be brought under control in early 2021, production activities and other economic activities gradually recovered and the economy restored to positive growth, leading to a substantial resurgence in the first half of 2021. However, with the advent of the new virus variants, confirmed cases of these variants virus have begun to emerge across China, and China’s economic recovery has once again struggled, with the quarter-on-quarter gross domestic product (“GDP”) growth rate gradually declining from 18.3% in the first quarter to 4.0% in the fourth quarter according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China. However, China’s GDP reached RMB114.4 trillion for the year of 2021, representing an increase of 8.1% as compared with the previous year. In 2021, the global economy gradually recovered from the impact of COVID-19 epidemic, the China’s economy achieved steady growth, showing strong growth momentum especially in terms of import and export trade. Besides, our steel cord/ wire production capacity at TESC was expanded to reach an annual capacity of 160,000 tonnes during the year under review. Therefore, the total sales volumes of the Group grew by 10.6% year-on-year in 2021, in which the volume of the export sales of steel cords remarkably increased by 76.1%. In the second half of 2021, the resurgence of the COVID-19 epidemic has caused widespread economic and social disruptions, resulting in the fluctuations in raw material prices, rising freight costs, inflation pressure and energy prices. Accordingly, the gross profit margin fell to 15.4 % and the selling and distribution expenses increased by 56.4%. The Group recorded the net profit of HK$80,879,000 for the year, whereas basic earnings per Share of HK4.26 cents for the year. The Group reported the net asset value was HK$0.91 per Share at 31 December 2021, increased by 4.6% as compared to HK$0.87 per Share at the end of 2020.