Annual Report 2021

FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 227 年報 2021 ANNUAL REPORT NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報告附註 30 按公平值計入損益之金融負債 (續) 附註: 使用重大的無法觀察輸入數據進行公平值計量 (第三級) 採用主要無法觀察輸入數據評估按公平值計入損 益之金融負債為: 倘股息收益率上升 1% ,其影響將增加損益港幣 1,390,000 元(二零二零年:增加港幣 973,000 元)。股息收益率越高,公平值會低。 倘波動率上升 5% ,其影響將減少損益約港幣 3,801,000 元(二零二零年:減少港幣 3,235,000 元)。波動率越高,公平值會高。 30 FINANCIAL LIABILITY AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS (continued) Note: Fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (level 3) The key unobservable inputs used in the valuation of the financial liability at fair value through profit or loss are: As at 31 December 於十二月三十一日 Valuation technique Unobservable inputs 2021 2020 估值方法 無法觀察輸入數據 二零二一年 二零二零年 Black-Scholes model with Trinominal Tree method Dividend yield 4.35% 4.50% 布萊克‧斯科爾斯模型與三叉法 股息收益率 Volatility 44.70% 46.10% 波動率 If the dividend yield shifted upward by 1%, the impact on profit would be HK$1,390,000 higher (2020: HK$973,000 higher). The higher the dividend yield, the lower the fair value. If the volatility shifted upward by 5%, the impact on profit would be HK$3,801,000 lower (2020: HK$3,235,000 lower). The higher the volatility, the higher the fair value.