Annual Report 2021
FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度 239 年報 2021 ANNUAL REPORT NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報告附註 36 以股份支付支出之交易 (續) 本公司之購股權計劃 (續) 有關二零零二計劃及二零一二計劃購股 權之股份之每股行使價將由董事會釐 訂,及並不得低於下列兩項中最高 (a) 於 向合資格人士╱合資格承授人授出購股 權當日(必須為營業日)的收市價,即於聯 交所刊發之報告所載本公司股份之官方 收市價;或 (b) 緊接向合資格人士╱合資 格承授人授出購股權日期前五個營業日 於聯交所刊發之報告所載本公司股份之 平均官方收市價。 根據二零零二計劃及二零一二計劃,任何 合資格人士╱合資格承授人當終止僱傭 合約,其持有之購股權將自動失效,但董 事會有權延長該購股權的行使期限。有關 任何合資格人士於過往年度終止僱傭合 約時持有之購股權期限已被董事會延長 及批准。該修改並不會構成二零零二計劃 之修改。 購股權之持有人並不授予收取股息或於 股東大會上投票之權利。 截至二零二零年及二零二一年十二月 三十一日止年度,並無購股權根據二零零 二計劃及二零一二計劃授出、行使、註銷 或失效。 36 SHARE-BASED PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS (continued) The Company’s share option scheme (continued) The exercise price per share in relation to an option under the 2002 Scheme and 2012 Scheme shall be a price to be determined by the Board and shall be no less than the highest of (a) the official closing price of the shares of the Company as stated in the daily quotation sheets issued by the Stock Exchange on the date on which the option is offered to an eligible participant/a qualifying grantee, which must be a business day; or (b) the official average closing price of the shares of the Company as stated in the daily quotation sheets issued by the Stock Exchange for the 5 business days immediately preceding the date of offer of option to an eligible participant/a qualifying grantee. Pursuant to the 2002 Scheme and 2012 Scheme, share options held by any eligible participant/qualifying grantee will lapse automatically upon their termination of employment but the Board is empowered to extend the exercise period of the concerned share options at its discretion. Relevant exercise period of share options held by the eligible participant whose employment terminated during the previous years was extended and approved by the Board. Such change does not constitute modification of the 2002 Scheme. Share options do not confer rights on the holders to dividends or to vote at shareholders’ meeting. No share options were granted, exercised, cancelled or lapsed under the 2002 and 2012 Scheme during the years ended 31 December 2020 and 2021.