Annual Report 2021
254 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 DEFINITIONS 釋義 “Fair Union” Fair Union Holdings Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shougang HK 「 Fair Union 」 Fair Union Holdings Limited ,首控香港之全資附屬公司 “Finance Lease Agreement” the finance lease agreement dated 31 May 2021 between TESC and South China Leasing 「融資租賃合同」 滕州東方與南方租賃於二零二一年五月三十一日訂立的融資租賃合同 “Group” the Company and its subsidiaries 「本集團」 本公司及其附屬公司 “HKD”/“HK$” Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of Hong Kong 「港元」╱「港幣」 港幣,香港法定貨幣 “Hong Kong” the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC 「香港」 中國香港特別行政區 “Internal Control Manual” Shougang Century Holdings Limited’s internal management and control manual adopted in 1999 and revised from time to time thereafter 「內部監控指引」 首佳科技製造有限公司之內部管理及監控指引自一九九九年採納並於隨後不 時修訂 “JESC” Jiaxing Eastern Steel Cord Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of the PRC and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company 「嘉興東方」 嘉興東方鋼簾線有限公司,根據中國法律註冊成立之公司,為本公司之間接 全資附屬公司 “Jingxi Holdings” Jingxi Holdings Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong with limited liability and a wholly owned subsidiary of Shougang Fund 「京西控股」 京西控股有限公司,一間根據香港法例註冊成立的有限公司,為首鋼基金的 全資附屬公司 “Li Ka Shing Foundation” Li Ka Shing Foundation Limited, a “charitable body” within the meaning of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Chapter 112 of the Laws of Hong Kong), a substantial Shareholder (as defined under the SFO) 「李嘉誠基金會」 李嘉誠基金會有限公司,為香港法例第 112 章稅務條例所界定之「慈善團體」, 為主要股東(根據證券及期貨條例定義) “Listing Rules” the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange 「上市規則」 聯交所證券上市規則 “Machineries and Equipment” certain machineries and equipment primarily used by TESC for manufacturing of steel cords 「機器及設備」 滕州東方主要用於製造鋼簾線的若干機器及設備 “Model Code” Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Issuers as set out in Appendix 10 to the Listing Rules 「標準守則」 上市規則附錄十《上市發行人董事進行證券交易的標準守則》