Annual Report 2021
24 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 研發費用 於本年度本集團來自持續經營業務之研發 費用報港幣 103,676,000 元,比去年報港幣 71,404,000 元上升 45.2% 。該等費用全都是鋼 簾線分部因應我們輪胎製造客戶的要求所產 生,並隨著鋼簾線分部的收入而增加。 其他收入 本集團來自持續經營業務之其他收入由截至 二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度的港幣 9,509,000 元減少 57.3% 至截至二零二一年 十二月三十一日止年度的港幣 4,062,000 元。 這主要由於政府補貼減少。 其他虧損,淨額 本集團來自持續經營業務之其他虧損,淨額由 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度的港 幣 59,377,000 元減少 61.9% 至截至二零二一 年十二月三十一日止年度的港幣 22,622,000 元。該改善主要是因為 (i) 殘舊及閒置的物業、 廠房及設備之減值損失減少至港幣 3,095,000 元;及 (ii) 出售物業、廠房及設備之收益報港幣 660,000 元。 土地使用權之減值損失撥回 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度,土地 使用權之減值損失撥回報港幣 46,867,000 元, 這是由於本集團在二零二零年十月取得滕州東 方二期項目餘下面積的建設工程規劃許可證。 於本年度,沒有這樣的撥回。 財務成本,淨額 於本年度本集團來自持續經營業務之財務成 本,淨額由去年港幣 17,488,000 元下降 23.4% 至港幣 13,401,000 元,這主要是由於本年度銀 行貸款之利息支出減少,及本集團錄得貸款之 外幣匯兌收益。 Research and development expenses Research and development expenses for the continuing operations of the Group amounted to HK$103,676,000 for the year, increased by 45.2% as compared to HK$71,404,000 for last year. Such expenses were all incurred by the steel cord segment for aligning with the requirements from our tyres manufacturing customers and they increased with the revenue of the steel cord segment. Other income Other income for the continuing operations of the Group decreased by 57.3% from HK$9,509,000 for the year ended 31 December 2020 to HK$4,062,000 for the year ended 31 December 2021. This was primarily due to decrease in government grants. Other losses, net Other losses, net for the continuing operations of the Group decreased by 61.9% from HK$59,377,000 for the year ended 31 December 2020 to HK$22,622,000 for the year ended 31 December 2021. This improvement was primarily because (i) impairment losses on old and idle property, plant and equipment decreased to HK$3,095,000; and (ii) gains on disposals of property, plant and equipment amounted to HK$660,000. Reversal of impairment losses on land use rights Reversal of impairment losses on land use rights amount to HK$46,867,000 for the year ended 31 December 2020 because the Group obtained the construction project planning permit on remaining area of TESC Phase II Project in October 2020. During the year, there is no such reversal. Finance costs, net Finance costs, net for the continuing operations of the Group decreased by 23.4% from HK$17,488,000 to HK$13,401,000 for the year. This is mainly due to the decrease of interest expenses on bank borrowings while the Group recorded foreign exchange gains on the borrowings during the year.