Annual Report 2021
38 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 Furthermore, in order to ensure that the contribution of all Directors to the Board remains informed and relevant, the company secretarial department of the Company has, from time to time provide Directors with relevant reading materials to keep them informed of the latest updates in the relevant industry and market and the latest changes on the legal and regulatory environment. The records of the training received by the respective Directors are kept and updated by the company secretarial department of the Company. Areas of their training activities provided by the Company, relevant professional bodies and regulatory authorities are summarised as follows: Legal, regulatory and corporate governance updates Group’s policies/ businesses ESG training and other professional development programs Name of Director 董事姓名 法律、法規及 企業管治更新 本集團的 政策╱業務 環境、社會 及管治培訓 及其他專業 發展課程 Su Fanrong 蘇凡荣 Ye Qian 葉芊 Li Jinping 李金平 Liao Jun (Note) 廖駿 (附註) N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 N/A 不適用 Adam Touhig (Note) Adam Touhig (附註) Yip Kin Man, Raymond 葉健民 Lam Yiu Kin 林耀堅 Feng Yaoling 馮耀嶺 Note: Mr. Liao Jun resigned as a non-executive Director on 15 January 2021 and Mr. Adam Touhig was appointed as a non-executive Director on the same date. 再者,為確保所有董事能為董事會作出有識見 及恰當的貢獻,本公司公司秘書部不時向董事 提供相關閱讀文件讓彼等知悉相關行業及市場 的最新消息以及法律和法規環境的最新變化。 各董事所接受之培訓紀錄已由本公司公司秘書 部保管及更新。本公司、有關專業資格團體和 監管機構向現時的董事提供的培訓活動範圍概 況如下: 附註: 廖駿先生於二零二一年一月十五日辭任非執行董 事,而 Adam Touhig 先生於同日獲委任為非執行 董事。