Annual Report 2021
42 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 v) 檢討及批准因董事行為失當而解僱或罷 免有關董事所涉及之賠償安排,以確保該 等安排與合約條款一致,若未能與合約條 款一致,有關賠償亦須合理適當; vi) 根據執行董事及高級管理人員(如有)的 表現準則評核其表現,審議有關人員的年 度表現花紅,繼而向董事會提出建議; vii) 確保任何董事或其任何聯繫人士不得參 與釐定他自己的薪酬;及 viii) 獲董事會不時之授權及根據守則的規定 就董事之薪酬待遇事宜行使其他權力、職 權及酌情權,以及履行其責任。 於本年度回顧,本公司曾舉行一次薪酬委員會 會議,薪酬委員會之工作包括但不限於: (i) 考 慮及檢討董事薪酬;及 (ii) 檢討薪酬委員會職權 範圍書。董事之酬金由薪酬委員會根據個人表 現、本集團之業績及盈利狀況,亦以業界薪酬 基準及當時市場環境而向董事會建議。而有關 薪酬委員會成員於本年度舉行的會議之出席紀 錄已列載於本報告第 37 頁內之「 出席紀錄 」內。 有關本集團之酬金政策資料已列載於本年報 「 董事會報告 」及一份獨立報告-《二零二一年 度環境、社會及管治報告》(「二零二一年度環 境、社會及管治報告」)相關章節內。 v) to review and approve compensation arrangements relating to dismissal or removal of Directors for misconduct to ensure that they are consistent with contractual terms and are otherwise reasonable and appropriate; vi) to consider the annual performance bonus for executive Directors and senior management (if any), having regard to their achievements against the performance criteria, and make recommendation to the Board; vii) to ensure that no Director or any of his associates is involved in deciding his own remuneration; and viii) to exercise such other powers, authorities and discretion, and perform such other duties, of the Directors in relation to the remuneration as the Board may from time to time delegate to it, having regard to the Code. During the year under review, one remuneration committee meeting was held and the works performed by the remuneration committee included but not limited to: (i) the consideration and review of remuneration of the Directors; and (ii) the review of the terms of reference of remuneration committee. The emoluments of the Directors are recommended by the remuneration committee to the Board, having regard to individual’s performance, the Group’s performance and profitability, remuneration benchmark in the industry and prevailing market conditions. The attendance record of the remuneration committee members at the meeting held during the year is set out in the “ Attendance Record ” on page 37 of this report. The information in respect of emolument policy of the Group is set out in the relevant sections of the “ REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS ” of this annual report and a separate report, 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report (the “2021 ESG Report”).