Annual Report 2021
60 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 以下為本公司對有關內幕消息之內部監控及申 報系統流程圖: * 業務單位╱個別部門主管 如對有關可能構成內幕 消息的資料有任何疑問,他╱她可與有關職能部 門的主管作進一步查詢 Below flow chart illustrates the internal control and reporting system of the Company relating to inside information: Heads of business units/individual departments to identify and assess whether potential or developing events may constitute inside information* 業務單位╱個別部門主管 需辨別和評估有關潛在或發展中的事件是否能構成內幕消息 * If yes, report to senior management of the Company (the usual channel is through company secretary of the Company) 如是,將向本公司 高級管理層 (一般是通過本公司 公司 秘書 渠道)滙報 Responsible senior management to consider with the chairman/managing Director whether the information may constitute inside information 由負責之 高級管理層與董事長╱董事總經理 考慮該資料是否能構成內幕消息 If yes, report to the Board with supporting documents through the channel of company secretarial department of the Company. The company secretarial department of the Company considers potential disclosure implications (with assistance of legal counsel if appropriate) and arranges for collating and circulating relevant information to the Board for further consideration 如是,將一併與有關支持文件交由本公司 公司秘書部 向 董事會 匯報。本公司 公司秘書部 會考慮潛在的披露 影響(如合適,連同法律顧問之協助)及安排核對和轉 發有關資料予 董事會 作進一步考慮 The Board to consider whether the information may constitute inside information and whether disclosure and/or request of trading halt would be required 由 董事會 考慮該資料是否能構成內幕消息及是否需要披露及╱或需要申請短暫停牌 If yes, the company secretarial department of the Company arranges for trading halt and/or preparing announcement 如是,本公司 公司秘書部 將安排申請短暫停牌及╱或 準備公告 Trading halt is made and announcement is published on the websites of the Company and the Stock Exchange after approval by the Board 於取得 董事會 的批准後,提出短暫停牌及在本公司及聯交所網站刊發公告 * The heads of business units/individual departments can consult the functional departments of the Company, if he/she has any query about what constitute inside information