Annual Report 2021
65 年報 2021 ANNUAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 股東權益 董事會認識到與股東有效溝通的重要性。為了 與股東持續保持溝通,本公司透過股東周年大 會及其他股東大會,有機會與股東直接溝通, 並鼓勵他們積極參與。另外,於二零二一年 度股東周年大會(「二零二一年度股東周年大 會」),董事會主席、薪酬委員會主席、提名委 員會主席及審核委員會主席,均有出席解答任 何股東之提問。而外聘核數師亦出席二零二一 年度股東周年大會回答有關審計工作、編製核 數師報告及其內容、會計政策以及核數師的獨 立性等問題。 成員╱股東召開股東大會(「股東大會」)之 程序 根據公司條例第 566 條,如本公司收到佔全體 有權在股東大會上表決的成員╱股東的總表決 權最少 5% 的成員╱股東的要求,要求召開股 東大會,則董事須召開股東大會。 書面請求書:- (a) 須述明有待在有關股東大會上處理的事 務的一般性質; (b) 可包含可在該股東大會上恰當地動議並 擬在該股東大會上動議的決議的文本; (c) 可採用印本形式送交於本公司的註冊辦 事處,地址為香港柴灣新業街 6 號安力工 業中心 12 樓 1215 室,或電子形式透過本 公司電郵 , 註明公司秘書收啟; (d) 可包含若干份格式相近的文件; (e) 必須經提出該要求的人認證;及 SHAREHOLDERS’ RIGHTS The Board recognises the importance of effective communication with Shareholders. In order to maintain an ongoing dialogue with Shareholders, the Company has opportunities to directly communicate with Shareholders at various annual general meetings and other general meetings where Shareholders are encouraged to actively attend. In addition, the chairman of the Board and the chairman of each of remuneration committee, nomination committee and audit committee were present to answer any Shareholder’s questions at the 2021 annual general meeting (the “2021 AGM”). The external auditor had also attended the 2021 AGM to answer questions about the conduct of the audit, the preparation and content of the auditor’s report, the accounting policies and auditor’s independence. Procedures for members/Shareholders to convene a general meeting (“GM”) Under Section 566 of the Companies Ordinance, the directors are required to call a GM if the Company has received requests to do so from members/Shareholders representing at least 5% of the total voting rights of all the members/Shareholders having a right to vote at GM. The request:– (a) must state the general nature of the business to be dealt with at the GM; (b) may include the text of a resolution that may properly be moved and is intended to be moved at the GM; (c) may be deposited at the registered office of the Company at Room 1215, 12/F., Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong for the attention of Company Secretary in hard copy form or in electronic form by email to; (d) may consist of several documents in like form; (e) must be authenticated by the person or persons making it; and