Annual Report 2021
78 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 財務關鍵表現指標 (續) 存貨平均周轉期 本年度的存貨平均周轉期(以本年度的平均 存貨金額除以銷售成本乘以 365 天計算)為 57 天,比去年的 60 天減少 3 天。 應付賬款平均周轉期 本年度的應付賬款平均周轉期(以本年度的平 均應付賬款(不包括於中國銷售成本的增值稅) 除以銷售成本乘以 365 天計算)為 87 天,較於去 年度為 115 天減少 28 天。 關於上述及其他財務資料的進一步詳情載列於 本年報的「 管理層論述及分析 」的章節內。關鍵 表現指標指可籍參照有效地衡量本集團業務的 發展、表現或狀況的因素而用以監察我們實施 策略的進度,而按會計準則制定的數據則未能 達到此目的。 本公司業務未來發展 由於不確定性是中國經濟面臨的主要挑戰之 一,鋼簾線業務的表現可能會受到影響,除非 保持強勁的現金流及適當地實施成本節約和風 險緩解措施。就本公司業務未來發展的詳情, 請參閱本年報「 董事長報告書 」及「 管理層論述 及分析 」章節。 FINANCIAL KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (continued) Average turnover period on inventories Average turnover period on inventories (calculated as average amount of inventories for the year divided by cost of sales times 365 days) was 57 days for the year, shorter by 3 days as compared to 60 days for the previous year. Average turnover period on trade payables Average turnover period on trade payables (calculated as average trade payables for the year (exclusive of value- added tax in respect of cost of sales in the PRC) divided by cost of sales times 365 days) was 87 days for the year, which was 28 days shorter as compared to 115 days for the previous year. Further details regarding the above and other financial information, please refer to the section “ MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ” of this annual report. Key performance indicators mean factors by reference to which the development, performance or position of the business of the Group can be measured effectively which we can use to monitor progress against our strategies while figures reporting under accounting standards could not serve such purpose. FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMPANY’S BUSINESS In the view that uncertainty is one of the main challenges facing by the China’s economy, the performance of the steel cord industry might be affected unless a strong cash flow is maintained as well as cost saving and risk mitigation measures are implemented in order. Details of future development of the Company’s business, please refer to the sections “ CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT ” and “ MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ” of this annual report.