Annual Report 2021
90 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 董事於競爭業務之權益 於本年度內,除下文所披露外,根據上市規則 第 8.10 條,概無董事被視為與本集團業務構成 競爭或可能構成競爭(不論直接或間接)的業務 中擁有權益: 附註: 1. 根據本公司與 Bekaert 於二零零六年九月訂立 之認購協議及 Bekaert 與本公司於二零一五年 二月訂立之進一步協議, Adam Touhig 先生獲 Bekaert 集團委派為非執行董事,並於二零二一年 一月十五日獲委任,以接替廖駿先生(於二零一五 年二月二十五日獲委任為非執行董事,並於二零 二一年一月十五日辭任)。 2. 葉健民先生於二零一四年一月二十七日獲委任為 京西重工獨立非執行董事,並沒有參與京西重工 的日常運作之任何決策。 DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS IN COMPETING BUSINESSES During the year, save as disclosed below, none of the Directors is considered to have interest in the businesses which are considered to compete or likely to compete, either directly or indirectly, with businesses of the Group pursuant to Rule 8.10 of the Listing Rules: Name of Director Name of entity whose businesses are considered to compete or likely to compete with the businesses of the Group Description of businesses of the entity which are considered to compete or likely to compete with the businesses of the Group Nature of Director’s interest in the entity 董事姓名 其業務被視為與本集團業務 構成競爭或可能構成競爭 之實體名稱 被視為與本集團業務構成競爭或 可能構成競爭之實體業務簡介 董事於該實體之權益性質 Adam Touhig (Note 1) Bekaert Manufacturing and sale of steel wire and/or cord products Senior vice president of rubber reinforcement Asia in Bekaert group Adam Touhig (附註 1 ) Bekaert 製造及銷售鋼絲及╱或鋼簾線製品 Bekaert 集團亞洲區橡膠增強部之 高級副總裁 Liao Jun (Note 1) Bekaert Manufacturing and sale of steel wire and/or cord products Executive Vice President North Asia in Bekaert group 廖駿 (附註 1 ) Bekaert 製造及銷售鋼絲及╱或鋼簾線製品 Bekaert 集團北亞區執行副總裁 Yip Kin Man, Raymond (Note 2) BeijingWest Industries Manufacturing and sale of automotive parts and components and the trading of automotive parts and components Independent non-executive director 葉健民 (附註 2 ) 京西重工 製造及銷售汽車零部件及元件, 以及買賣汽車零部件及元件 獨立非執行董事 Notes: 1. Pursuant to a subscription agreement entered into by the Company and Bekaert in September 2006 and further agreement between Bekaert and the Company in February 2015, Mr. Adam Touhig was nominated by Bekaert group as a non-executive Director and was appointed on 15 January 2021 to succeed Mr. Liao Jun, who was appointed as a non-executive Director on 25 February 2015, and resigned on 15 January 2021. 2. Mr. Yip Kin Man, Raymond was appointed as an independent non-executive director of BeijingWest Industries on 27 January 2014 and does not participate in any decision making on daily operation of BeijingWest Industries.