Annual Report 2021
94 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 企業管治 本公司致力履行及達至一個高標準的企業管治 水平,董事會已批准及採納首佳科技企業管治 守則,有關條文不比守則所列出的條文寬鬆。 本公司之企業管治守則之進一步資料載列於本 年報第 32 頁至 70 頁之「 企業管治報告 」內。 購買、出售或贖回上市證券 於本年度內本公司於聯交所購回其普通股的詳 細資料示列如下: 截至本年報日期,所有在二零二一年購回股份 經已註銷。 上述回購的目的為增加每股綜合資產淨值及╱ 或每股盈利。 除上文披露外,於本財政年度內本公司或其任 何附屬公司並無購買、出售或贖回本公司的任 何上市證券。 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The Company is committed to practicing and achieving a high standard of corporate governance and the Board has approved and adopted the SCHL Corporate Governance Code on terms no less exacting than those set out in the provisions of the Code. Further information on the Company’s Corporate Governance Code is set out in the “ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT ” on pages 32 to 70 of this annual report. PURCHASE, SALE OR REDEMPTION OF LISTED SECURITIES Set out below are particulars of repurchases by the Company of its own ordinary shares made on the Stock Exchange during the year: Month of repurchase in 2021 Number of Shares repurchased Consideration per Share Aggregate consideration paid 每股股份價格 Highest 最高 Lowest 最低 已付總代價 HK$ HK$ HK$ 於二零二一年之回購月份 已購回股份數目 港幣 港幣 港幣 February 二月 372,000 0.290 0.247 104,304 Total 總數 372,000 104,304 All Shares repurchased in 2021 were cancelled up to the date of this annual report. The above repurchase was made for the purpose of achieving an increase in the consolidated net asset value and/or earnings per Share. Saved as disclosed above, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has purchased, sold or redeemed any listed securities of the Company during the year.