Annual Report 2022
98 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 根據證券及期貨條例股東於本公司之 權益及淡倉或相關股份 (續) 於股份或相關股份之好倉 (續) 附註: (1) 由於 Fair Union 為首控香港之全資附屬公司, 故根據證券及期貨條例,首控香港被視為於 Fair Union 所持有之 894,349,179 股股份中擁有權 益。於二零二二年九月五日,首鋼集團由首控香 港購買 Wheeling Holdings Limited (「 Wheeling Holdings 」)之 全 部 已 發 行 股 本, Wheeling Holdings 乃首控香港之全資附屬公司,亦為首 惠產融之控股公司,此舉間接轉讓首惠產融之 股份。因此,首控香港不再被視為於琴台管理 有限公司(「琴台」)(為首惠產融之附屬公司,而 首控香港則為首惠產融之控股公司)所持有之 12,370,000 股股份中擁有權益。 (2) 於二零二二年二月七日,已根據可換股債券之條 款及條件向京西控股分配及發行 72,727,272 股換 股股份。緊接該轉換及發行換股股份後,京西控 股持有 72,727,272 股換股股份及可換股債券所附 轉換權獲行使時將予分配及發行之 381,818,182 股相關股份。 (3) 承上附註 (2) ,由於京西控股乃首鋼基金之全資 附屬公司,故根據證券及期貨條例,首鋼基金被 視為於京西控股所持有之 72,727,272 股股份及 381,818,182 股相關股份中擁有權益。 SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS OR UNDERLYING SHARES OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE SFO (continued) Long position in Shares or underlying Shares (continued) Notes: (1) As Fair Union is Shougang HK’s wholly owned subsidiary, by virtue of the SFO, Shougang HK is deemed to be interested in 894,349,179 Shares held by Fair Union. On 5 September 2022, Shougang Group purchased the entire issued share capital of Wheeling Holdings Limited (“Wheeling Holdings”) from Shougang HK, in which Wheeling Holdings is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shougang HK, and is the holding Company of Capital Industrial Financial, this reflects an indirect transfer of shares of Capital Industrial Financial. Thus, Shougang HK is no longer deemed to be interested in 12,370,000 Shares held by Lyre Terrace Management Limited (“Lyre Terrace”), a subsidiary of Capital Industrial Financial as Shougang HK is no longer the holding company of Capital Industrial Financial. (2) On 7 February 2022, 72,727,272 Conversion Shares were allotted and issued to Jingxi Holdings in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Convertible Bonds. Immediately after the conversion and the issue of the Conversion Shares, Jingxi Holdings held 72,727,272 Conversion Shares and 381,818,182 underlying Shares to be allotted and issued upon the exercise of Conversion Rights attaching to the Convertible Bonds. (3) As mentioned under Note (2) above, by virtue of the SFO, Shougang Fund is deemed to be interested in 72,727,272 Shares and 381,818,182 underlying Shares held by Jingxi Holdings, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Shougang Fund.