Annual Report 2022
10 SHOUGANG CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首佳科技製造有限公司 BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS 董事簡歷 李金平先生 ,年四十六歲,於二零二零年一月 一日獲委任為執行董事。李先生畢業於山東財 經大學,持有會計學碩士學位。彼為高級會計 師及資產評估師。李先生曾於中國財政部北京 監管局工作約十八年,並擔任多個高級職位包 括副處長和處長。彼主要從事監督、檢查和風 控管理等工作。於二零一九年,李先生加入首 控香港。彼目前擔任首控香港財務總監。總括 而言,李先生於財務監管及風險控制領域擁有 豐富經驗和專業知識。 李先生與本公司簽訂服務合約,期限由二零 二三年一月一日起至二零二五年十二月三十一 日止。李先生已自願放棄接受任何董事酬金。 Adam Touhig 先生 ,年五十四歲,於二零二一 年一月十五日獲委任為非執行董事。彼於二零 二零年六月一日獲委任為 Bekaert 集團亞洲區 橡膠增強部之高級副總裁。 在加入 Bekaert 集團之前, Touhig 先生曾於 GKN Automotive Limited 的 多 家 公 司, 包 括 於 GKN Driveline (India) Ltd 、 GKN Driveline Japan Ltd 、 GKN Driveline Korea Ltd 、台惟工業股份有限公司及 GKN Driveline Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. 擔任多個管理層職位,包 括全球客戶總監、商業和計劃管理副總裁、地 區高級副總裁、公司總裁、董事長及董事會成 員。彼亦曾於上述公司持有董事職位。總括而 言, Touhig 先生於一級汽車行業擁有超過三十 年之豐富經驗。 Touhig 先生與本公司簽訂服務合約,期限由 二零二二年八月一日起至二零二四年十二月 三十一日止。現時, Touhig 先生每年可獲收取 港幣 150,000 元之董事袍金,該董事袍金乃根 據其經驗及職責、其於董事會發揮之作用、本 公司之業績及盈利狀況、業界之薪酬基準及當 時市場環境而釐定。 Mr. Li Jinping , aged 46, was appointed as an executive Director with effect from 1 January 2020. Mr. Li was graduated from Shandong University of Finance and Economics with a Master degree in Accounting. He is a senior accountant and a Public Valuer. Mr. Li had worked in Beijing Supervision Bureau of Ministry of Finance of PRC for approximately 18 years and held various senior positions including the deputy division director and division director. He was principally engaged in the work relating to supervision, inspection, risk control management and so on. In 2019, Mr. Li joined Shougang HK. He currently serves as a financial controller of Shougang HK. In all, Mr. Li has extensive experience and expertise in financial supervision and risk control. A service contract was entered into between Mr. Li and the Company for a term commencing from 1 January 2023 and ending on 31 December 2025. Mr. Li has voluntarily declined any director’s emoluments. Mr. Adam Touhig , aged 54, was appointed as a non- executive Director on 15 January 2021. He was appointed as the senior vice president of rubber reinforcement Asia in Bekaert group on 1 June 2020. Prior to joining Bekaert group, Mr. Touhig had held various management positions including global account director, vice president of commercial and program management, regional senior vice president, company president, chairman and board member in several companies for GKN Automotive Limited, including GKN Driveline (India) Ltd, GKN Driveline Japan Ltd, GKN Driveline Korea Ltd, Taiway Limited and GKN Driveline Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.. He also held directorships in the abovementioned companies. In all, Mr. Touhig has over 30 years of extensive experience in the tier 1 automotive industry. A service contract was entered into between Mr. Touhig and the Company for a term commencing from 1 August 2022 and ending on 31 December 2024. At present, Mr. Touhig is entitled to receive a director’s fee of HK$150,000 per annum which is determined with reference to his experience and duties, his role played in the Board, the Company’s performance and profitability, the remuneration benchmark in the industry and the prevailing market conditions.