Annual Report 2022

177 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報告附註 3 財務風險管理 (續) 3.1 財務風險因素 (續) (c) 流動資金風險(續) 附註:加權平均實際利率乃根據報 告期末的借款利率計算。 3 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) 3.1 Financial risk factors (continued) (c) Liquidity risk (continued) Weighted average effective interest rate Less than 3 months 4-6 months 7-12 months Over 1 year Total contractual undiscounted cash flows 加權平均 實際利率 少於三個月 四至六個月 七至十二個月 超過一年 合約未貼現 現金流量總計 % HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 百分比 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 (Note) (附註) As at 31 December 2022 於二零二二年 十二月三十一日 Trade, bills and other payables 應付賬款、應付票據及 其他應付款 – 959,972 53,254 – – 1,013,226 Bank borrowings 銀行貸款 – fixed rate - 固定利率 3.74 146,783 47,300 85,710 – 279,793 – variable rate - 可變利率 6.67 150,676 30,703 – – 181,379 Financial liability at fair value through profit or loss 按公平值計入損益之金 融負債 4.00 128,520 – – – 128,520 Lease liabilities 租賃負債 5.36 338 338 676 451 1,803 1,386,289 131,595 86,386 451 1,604,721 As at 31 December 2021 於二零二一年 十二月三十一日 Trade, bills and other payables 應付賬款、應付票據 及其他應付款 – 1,285,095 202,697 – – 1,487,792 Loan from a related company 來自一間關連公司之貸 款 5.50 336 12,575 24,974 – 37,885 Bank borrowings 銀行貸款 – fixed rate - 固定利率 4.14 144,512 212,461 132,253 – 489,226 Financial liability at fair value through profit or loss 按公平值計入損益之金 融負債 4.00 153,000 – – – 153,000 Lease liabilities 租賃負債 5.36 338 338 676 1,803 3,155 1,583,281 428,071 157,903 1,803 2,171,058 Note: The weighted average effective interest rates are based on the rates of the borrowings at the end of the reporting period.