Annual Report 2022

189 年報 2022 ANNUAL REPORT NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報告附註 6 分部資料 (續) (c) 其他分部資料 截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止 年度 6 SEGMENT INFORMATION (continued) (c) Other segment information For the year ended 31 December 2022 Steel cord 鋼簾線 HK$’000 港幣千元 Amounts included in the measure of segment assets or segment profit or loss: 包括於計量分部資產或分部損益之 金額: Capital expenditures 資本開支 70,610 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 物業、廠房及設備之折舊 104,481 Depreciation of right-of-use assets 資產使用權之折舊 1,249 Amortisation of land use rights 土地使用權之攤銷 3,891 Net impairment losses on financial assets 金融資產減值損失淨額 1,114 Provision for inventories, net 存貨撥備,淨額 4,881 Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net 出售物業、廠房及設備之損失, 淨額 88 Amount regularly provided to CODM but not included in the measure of segment profit or loss: 定期提供予主要營運決策者但不包 括於計量分部損益之金額: Income tax expenses 所得稅支出 9,520